Never Thought College Involved Blood chapter 2

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We were still walking and it had been one whole hour. I was so tired and thirsty but the guy looked like he was in a great condition. I couldn't believe it. How the fuck does he do this. Man I think I'm going to faint. "How much longer?" I asked him while holding on to his chain. "We're almost there. Oh and can you please let go of my chain." For the first time this guy seemed mad. I wonder why? Maybe he's tired and wants to sit or maybe he hates me for asking him for directions. Well, I could care less because my head was hurting and I couldn't walk anymore. I felt my eyes closing and the last thing I remember seeing and hearing was his voice and him rushing to my side. "Lexie!"

*Three Hours Later*

I kept seeing and hearing him. Although he looked mad he still cared about me. My eyes were opening and I felt weird I also felt someone's hand stroking my neck. Creepy. Well, I opened my eyes and the first thing I see is a girl with red shot eyes looking at me.

"Ahhh!" I screamed pushing her off me. "Hi!" she said as though what she was doing was not weird at all. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Who are you?" I asked as I was backing away from her. "My name is Terry." She said as she walked up to me. I held up a hand to stop her from getting any closer. "Where am I and where's that boy?" I asked as I backed up a little bit more until I hit the wall. "Well you're in your dorm room and Chris went to his room to get something." I was confused and I apparently now knew the boy's name. It's a good name. Wait what am I saying. "What are you doing in my room?" I asked still confused. "Chris told me to watch you until he comes back." And just as she said that Chris came walking through the door.

"Well looks like sleeping beauty is awake." He said as he walked in. I was going to say something but instead I ran and hugged him. What the fuck why did I do that? "Hey guess you missed me Lex?" he said as he hugged back. "Yeah, and I was kind of freaked out by her." I said as I pointed to Terry. He laughed and said, "It's okay she won't hurt you."

"Yeah, she won't hurt you but I might." I looked behind Chris to find a guy holding a tray of food. "Oh yummy food!" I said.

"Oh Lexie you must be starving." Chris said as though reading my mind. "Kind of." And just as I said that my tummy growled. "Kind of sounds like I came in time." The guy said as he walked in and handed me the tray. "Welcome to our dorm. My name is Dimitri." He said as he helped me set the tray on this little table that was in my room. "Nice to meet you hope you like the food." He said as he walked away. "Bye." I said. Something about Dimitri made me feel safe. But the funny thing is Dimitri is the first person that I have seen in this place that doesn't give me the creeps. Without warning I just started to laugh. I laughed and laughed until I was crying. "What's wrong with her?" asked Terry. "I don't know." Chris said.

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