The Strange

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Author's note

                         Hello readers this is part of a book i actually wrote and i am going to be adding more on to on this website i hope you like it. please comment as you want. 

ps: I own all charictors

pss: If your wondering Catrina is 14 in the story and Elissa is 13 1/2

Chapter 1 the watcher

          It was the day after halloween, and I felt like I was being followed.

          " Hey KK!" I turned around and saw Elissa my best friend for 5 years. Though seeing my friend all those years I was still mesmerized by her golden beauty. Her hair was dirty bolnde and went down to her collarbone. She has a heart shaped face with high cheek bones and big eyes. She is 5/4 and very skinny.

         " KK what are you doing " She said.

        " Oh I was just zoned out." I replied

       " Ok so hows it going."

        " Awsome exept I feel like i'm being followed, it's odd." She gave me a very mystirius look. It was weird but i knew what she was doing. She was comparing me to her. my waist length black hair, dark brown eyes that changed color depending on my mood,full lips, and long tall body.

        " Elissa stop comparing me to you." I said frustratedshe knew I hated being compared to others.

       " i'm not " She replied

      " Sure I've known you most of your life so i kinda know what face you make when you are comparing people."

     " I wasn't camparing though." she said stbbornly.

     " You know what i'm not even going to fight with you"

     " KK is something wroung?'

      " No" I didn't want to say much because I felt like i was being watched again

        Suddenly I felt like I needed a drink my throt was burning. It was so dry it tasted like I was swollowing my own blood. Elissa looked at me and asked a question that she never asked.

     " Are you ok you look like you are going to die any second." I gulpedat her words, I wasn't sure what to say.

     " What do you mean I look like i'm going to die?"

      " Well you are paler than you usually are.your eyes are dark and your lips are pink insted of red."

       " wow......... really .....I......I'm "

     " You are coming to my house go home and get your stuff then come over."she orderd and walked home.

     "ok by what time do I have to be there mother." I said because I knew better than to tell her no,even though i had before. I agreed because I could tell she was worried about me and I would have to go to her house even if she had to drag me by my hair. I thought she was jumping to conclusions because i'm always pale,but i would never tell her that.I always had the proslin white skin and the black hair made me look like a gost.I thought I had alwasy been pretty when i was pale it brought out mt feachers.but for her to look that worried I must look like i just came out of a grave.

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