Training Camp

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Authors note<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<><><><><><><><><><>

Hello eveyone i've been thimking and i was wondering if you all think i should keep writeing this story it all depends on what you think.If you could help me out and leave comments on what you think, just tell me your thoughts, share your suggestions, anything tell me what you think i should do. i havent made up my mind yet so you could help with the disision.  

                                                                                            goodbye all have a wonderful day/night/morning>><><><><<<<><><>><><><><><><<><<>><><><><><><>><>L><<<<>>>>L<><><<><<><><><><

" So whats going on between you and the vamps." i asked


" The thing that happened is that one night after our pack was done with our usual hunting, the alpha was going to stay up and check the outer berriers of the camp. when we woke up to switch spots with him we found him laying next to the fire pit in human form, covered in blood dead. some of the blood wasnt his but on the ground next to him written in his blood was a message ' we are no longer weak we will take over the paranormal we will rule.'  we went and woke up the rest of the pack because we didnt know what to do we had never been directly attacked like that so our omega met with the vampire leader and they decided we were going to war so we need your help." said Quin


" Woow um well how many packs are we bringing together,because we will need power in numbers and also i will help with the strength."


" We are bringing together all of the packs across the world the are coming in sometime this month and thats all we know."


" Do you have a place with alot and i mean alot of open space that the vamps dont know about where we can start a traning camp?"


" Yes we do but its in Misuri I dont know why but the vamps hate Misuri."


"okay well we need a really big clearing ,holy water and a lot of it in bottles water bottles work, garlic , crosses, kinives, throwing stars, swords, camoflage, lavender and alot of it also, workout clothes, tents, kiaks (small boats kinda like a canuo but only one person can fit in it and it has a long double paddle),weights, salad, vegitables, fruits, starches, bread, coffee, energy drinks and ducktape. oh and air matresses and we will need a lot of ice and coolers. that should be all."


"ummmmm you need all of that for a training camp wooooow." said Brandon


"can you write all that down please?" asked Quin

" Sure but you need to get it all by the end of this week so we can start the training oh and you all will be in sevier pain and i will try not to be to happy about it."

"Whats that supposed to mean?'asked Brandon

'It mean that just because im a vamp hunter it dosent mean i like mutts gose you smell like wet dogs gosh do you ever shower and use soap nasty.'

"hey thats offenceve."

" i dont care now go get the supplies."

"okay bossy"They both said as i walked down the hall and up the stairs to elissas room. i came across her green pink and purple furry door and tripped over a baseball....

"elissa its me why is there a baseball in the hall open the door i need to talk to you."

"catrinaohmygoshyouweredownthereforsolongithoughtyouweredead"she gushed as she opened the door.

"hi can you say that again slower all i herd was vjfnvjfvnfjvnjvkfncfbvtrbvrrtvfbvfbgbbfgbgbfdfbfbvdf." elissa just rolled her eyes and said" You had me soo worried"

"im sorry but um i have to go away for a while. I promice i will be okay.i promice to call you twice a week, but i have to go no matter what."

"Can you tell me why you have to go? what going on i mean i left you to talk to those DOGS and now you are leaving. did they threten you? if they did why didnt you beat them up."

"I cant give you to much information or you could end up getting hurt but I'm going on my terms believe me." With that I enveloped her in a hug. " its going to be okay and i'll bring my cellphone so that we can talk every day so you know im not dead or anything..... wanna help me pack I need enough stuff for about umm lets say a year and yes im asking for some of your clothes because you know me im bound to get even thinner."

"ohmiygod yes im gonna help you pack I might not know where your going or what your going to be doing but of course i'll help maybe we can pack some skirts and a dress or two." with that she ran off to her closet and before I could move I was under a clothing avalanche. im trapped I don't know which way is up which way is down all I see is clothing. " Elissa can you save me from the clothing please im running out of oxegen I need air elissa are you still babbleing about clothes if you love me save me don't hate me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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