Chapter 3: Greeeks, Romans and now this

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I thought of making a book called the boxer and the ballerina, do you like the cover??

Nico's POV

Couldn't this meeting waited just five more minutes like come on.


I was in the infirmary for reasons we do not need to discuss, let's just say it had something to do with Clarisse and her spear lamer, I mean maimer. She just had to go for the ankle, if it hadn't been for Will telling me I wasn't allowed to shadow travel that would be no problem but no I had to hobble all the way across from the arena. But then all annoyance goes away as I see him.

Will solace.

We had started dating maybe a month after the war, were we became great friends, oh yeah did I forget to mention that he's my boyfriend,oh well he is, and a very good looking one at that. When he gets to my bed he glares at me, (rude).
"Did you shadow travel??"
"Did you raise the dead"
"Did you-"
"wow you really have no faith in me do you solace"
He's lucky I love him "well you should be happy then that I may or may not have pissed off Clarisse by having my own opinion and we ended up getting into a fight and she obviously won as you see I'm here and she's not"

He smiled at me and then leaned in for a kiss, but then Leo and calypso come, remind me to curse them later.

"Nico, Will no kissing when I'm coming to tell you there is a meeting at the big house" he said in his cocky attitude, calypso smiled as if to apologize for a child's behavior oops sorry I mean boyfriend.

Ever since Leo had brought back Calypso, Calypso had found that she no longer has her powers or invisible servants, she is now completely mortal, how do I know you ask, well one day calypso was trying to make the salt come to her by summoning her invisible servants and well long story short it didn't work out to well.

Flashback over*

Will and I were just entering the big house when we heard a large racket, by racket I mean oh shit someone will probably get hurt (or worse) kind of racket.

We rush in to find the ping pong table tipped over and a full on battle going on.

Every head counselor was here so it was a bit crowded as we now have so many cabins, however a crowed space was the least of our worries.

There was a fight breaking out between Clarisse and well someone I definitely didn't know, but for some reason it felt normal it would definitely be weird though if nothing was happening, but I guess some campers hadn't quite been to enough meetings to realize what happens when Chiron is late, a fight with Clarisse is a pretty normal thing. some of those campers were Piper, Jason and Leo.

"Clarisse I would appreciate it if you get off our newest member of the Hermes cabin, and may I ask why you are fighting with Jerome in the first place?, I believe you've started a fight with him faster than you did with Perseus". chiron says calmly as he walks into the room.

"well the little punk was asking for it he kept imitating me, pretending to be me, no one can pretend to me except one person shes the only one who was worthy but shes gone now" Clarisse says angrily, but her voice was clearly laced with sadness.

I know who she's talking about, she's talking about Silena. How she pretended to be clarrise and lead the Ares cabin to join the war, She was a hero.

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