White Room

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On Sirius Black's last day

He went to Hogwarts

To see the astronomy tower.

He stood on the ledge

And he contemplated.

It was October 31,

Jessie's favorite holiday.

The Anger still lived within him.

That was why

On that day

Three years after the love of his life died

He did the same thing.

He gave into that little voice

And he jumped.

He was twenty years old

When he stood at the top

Of that tower.

And when he got to that big white room

He was given a choice.

To remain twenty for the rest of time,

Just as he had been at death,

Or to go back.

Back to age seventeen

Back to when he was with Jessie.

The Anger was gone.

His head was clear.

So he chose.

When seventeen year old Sirius

Walked out of the white room,

He was in his heaven.

When seventeen year old

Jessie Montgomery

Looked up from her book,

Her love had arrived.

The two met

In bittersweet joy

Because she knew exactly why

He was with her.

But it didn't matter

Because they were together.

When Lily and James Potter

Exited their white room

Seventeen again,

They saw the Hogwarts couple

Together again.

When Remus Lupin

Exited his white room,

Seventeen again,

He saw his friends

At the age when they were their happiest

And they were together

And happy.

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