Still in Love

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DISCLAIMER: I am not the owner of the YouTube edit in this part and all credit goes to its rightful owner. Nor am I the owner of Girl Meets World or any of its characters.

Riley's POV

I walked into Abigail Adams High School, and immediately saw my group of best friends. Zay, Lucas, Maya, and Farkle were standing on the platform just below the first set of stairs leading down to another floor. But, something was different. There were one too many people there. The extra person? Of course, Smackle. She and Farkle had started dating. Over the past few weeks, I'd been getting jealous. Farkle used to be in love with Maya and I. Then, suddenly, he's with Smackle.
I walked down the stairway to greet my friends.
"Hey, guys."
"Hey, Riles!" Maya said, stepping towards me.
"Where were you last night Farkle? We always do our homework at Topanga's together..." I asked, raising my eyebrow and looking over at Farkle.
"Oh, it was Smackle and I's one month anniversary, so we went to a restaurant, and I just did my homework at home." He replied, his arm going around Smackle's shoulders. Of course, he was with Smackle. Of course.
"Oh." The bell rang before anyone else could speak, and the six of us walked to my father's history class. I took my seat in front of Maya, and Farkle took his seat next to me. My father started talking, and I drifted off into thought. I thought about Farkle. I got so deep into thought, I could almost hear him saying my name.
"Earth to Riley! Riles!" Farkle said, waving his hand in front of my face. I guess I actually could hear his voice saying my name. I looked around me and realized that no one was in the classroom besides Farkle and I. My dad probably had his lunch break.
"Class ended 5 minutes ago!" Farkle said, pulling me up out of my chair. I grabbed my backpack.
"Oh, oops..." I let out a nervous laugh.
"Why are you so unfocused today?" Farkle walked with me out of the classroom. We had lunch next.
"I don't know, I was just thinking about some stuff." I replied.
"What were you thinking about, me?" He asked while chuckling.
"You wish!" I said back, even though I was thinking about him.

[2 days later]
The group didn't normally meet at Topanga's on Fridays, but I texted Farkle to meet me there. He hadn't been there the past 2 nights in a row! I needed to know why, even though I had already figured it out. I saw Farkle step through the doorway.
"Hey, Riley." He said, greeting me with a small wave.
"Hey, Farkle. We need to talk. Why haven't you been here the past two nights? We always do our homework here, together!" I raised my voice slightly, but without meaning to.
"Riley, I was with Smackle. I don't see why it's a big deal, we do our homework here every night..." He replied. I stepped in front of him.
"That's the point! We always do our homework here!"
"Riley, why does it even matter? Why do you care? Are you jealous, or something?" He raised his voice as well. I didn't have a reply, so I just looked down at my feet.
"You are jealous, aren't you? You're jealous that I was with Smackle!" He said, a smirk forming on his face.
"I never said that, Farkle! The point is that you missed two nights!" I looked him dead in the eyes as I spoke.
"Riley, you're jealous, admit it."
"Fine! Yes I'm jealous, but that's because I like you, Farkle! But as soon as I was about to tell you that, you got with Smackle! I didn't tell you because I don't think you even like me anymore! You used to be obsessed with me, but now as soon as I like you, you go for someone else!" I started to walk away, but Farkle grabbed my wrist and spun me around.
"Riles, I wasn't here last night because I broke up with Smackle. I still like you. I more than like you, Riley, I love you." Farkle looked into my eyes. "I love you, too, Farkle."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this one-shot! Sorry if it sucks, it's my first time writing something like this. I hope you enjoyed it!

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