twenty two

100 2 0

'Chester's POV'

Luckily the tweets weren't half bad, I mean the tweets weren't nice either, but, I survived. Not all the fans gave me bullshit things, so I was glad. I was glad I didn't have the feelings that I had in the past. I was glad Zayn didn't notice my behavior. I hate that they know wall my habits, and what I do when I try to hide my emotions from each other. The weirdest thing is that I have been with my family way longer than with the boys, yet they know more of me than my family.

"You're awfully quiet." Zayn says interrupting my thoughts.

"Just tired." I smile, I was tired. I was emotionally tired. The amount of drama that has been happening since I got here is surreal, and not in a good way.

"That seems to be your excuse all the time." He gives me a smug smile, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Well, I love to sleep." I smile at him, and stick my head out a little closing my eyes. Sleep was always a quick getaway for me.

"Aren't you cute?" He murmurs, and comes across the table giving me a kiss on the cheek. I wasn't going to ignore the pit in my stomach because I know that feeling will come back later on when I feel the feeling again. I knew it was better hiding it then releasing my feelings out all the time.

"Seriously, tell me. Are you okay?" He says his face inching closer to me. I had the sudden urge to just burst out crying. I was annoyed that he can always tell how I feel, but this time I wasn't going to let him. Letting him know the situation wouldn't have made me feel any better. This feeling was always going to be with me. I've lived with it my whole life.

"Why do you always assume there is something wrong with me?" I give him a look, and he gives me a smirk.

"What if I am just tired?" I put my hands on my hips.

"My bad." He says smiling, and goes back to where he was originally. I let out a sign of relief when he walks back and quickly wipe a tear that fell down from my face.

"So, we're going to Haight right?" I mumble towards him taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." He smiles.


"Love the smell." I crinkle my nose. The smell of herbs filled my nose. Just like in high school. I swear this is the place where everyone went to smoke. The smell was horrid, but I have grown use to it since it was everywhere near the high school that I went to. Looking down from across the street I see the thrift store that my sister and I use to shop in. I remember when Robin and I would come down here to sell her clothes. I would get so mad all the time seeing all the clothes that I wanted get sold, when I could be wearing it and not spending money on the same exact thing. It was fun at times.

I hear Zayn let out a small laugh, and he wraps his arms around my neck as we cross the street. I almost forgot he smoked too.

"It's not that bad." He tells me, and I look up at him. His face gleaming with smiles.

"There use to be a girl who would say the same thing, and she'd say it's not that bad once you actually smoke it. You'll grow to like the smell." I tell him a small story, and he looks at me waiting.

"Yeah no, didn't smoke still hate the smell." I scrunch my face, and he laughs pulling me towards him. We pass by a few people on the streets trying to grab some money or rip us off but I awkwardly smile back.

Once we get into the store Zayn still had his arms around me, while I looked at some clothes on the rack. It was a pretty stylish clothing thrift shop. It was great, but I just didn't like any of the stuff.

Obsessed Z.M AU [COMING SOON]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora