part 29

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Doc: *looks down* Kenneth..
Please she hase to be okay!
Doc: she..she is gone..
I only started at the doctor for somme minutes. I was speakles than I runned to bailey and cried.
K: SHE CANT BE! *Crieng voice*
I looked at her how she was lieng on the bed. It looks like she is sleeping, she is but she will never wake up again... K: *angry voice* I SWEAR WHEN THIS MOTHERFUCKERS COME OUT OF THE JAIL I WILL KILL THEM!
*baby cries*
K: oh my gosh! *schocked*
Doc: I now ur only 16 but u have to looke out for anjolie u will do that great!
K: but..I dont now what to do?
Doc: just act like she is bailey *smiles* u will be a great father!
K: thanks *looks down* *funerel day*
Today the 9.12.16 was the day were I wanted to ask bailey if she wana be my wife. And today the 9.12.16is her funerel....
I still cant belive it.
I waited that this day will come. That I will ask her if she want to be my wife I already buid her rings and a dress that she shoud were on the day. Today on her funerel she is wearing the ring and dress..
*days later*
Me and jolie go everyday to her grave and put roses there. Right we standed there. I still cant belive what happens. I went down on my knees and cried.
K: she is gone...
K: she was only 16..
Suddendly anjolie hughed me and looked at me sad. She is so adorble.
K: its alright anj I give her a smile and she started to laugh.
*at home* anj and me were looking TV she always fall asleep than. I looked at her. She is beautiful she looks like bailey. But this time I will watch out for anj! I will make clear that this doesnt happen to her to.
I realised now what she hase from this assholes.
Black hair like sean.
Blue eyes like chris.
Her skin was light brown, caramel like justin.
Her hairs were really curly, it is beautiful its like baileys hair.
I now she will be a strong, beautiful, clever women. Just like her mother...

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