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🎶Every day, we started fighting

Every night, we fell apart

No one else can make me sadder

But no one else can lift me high above🎶

The two lovers spent years together, their love growing strong. But there are also times when arguments would arise and shouting between the two happens.

[Y/N] would always tell him not to get jealous because he is the only one that she will ever love but Lukas was not convinced.

Lukas just ignores her calls whenever they are caught in a fight and kept his usual calm and emotionless face during the day, doing things as if nothing had happened. But during the night, he would stay in their living room and curls up in a ball and cries silently, afraid that he will be left behind by the one that loves.

[Y/N] took note of his behavior during their first two fights and finally found out about him crying overnight on the sofa and comforted him, assuring him that the cause of their fight is untrue. She whispered sweet things unto his ear and rubbed soothing circles on his back as his breathing would slow down and brushes her hand on his sot light blonde hair.

The next day would be the day they’d reconcile. But…

Something unexpected happened which created a fight where reconcilement was made invalid.

Sobs erupted from [Y/N]  as she tried to explain to him what was happening to her and that she needed him right now, needed him the most for she was going through something. Lukas, not properly listening to [Y/N] ’s cries of explanation, misunderstood it as her getting fed up with him and leaving.

Blinded by grief and anger, he swung his hand and hit the vase on the side which broke to pieces as soon as it smashed on the floor.  [Y/N] ’s eyes widened as she saw this and her heart skipped faster than before.

Fear, fear overtook her body as she slowly backed away and ran to their bedroom, slamming the door in fear of being followed by a furious Lukas.

“Lukas! Lukas, please! Hear my explanation before you jump into things! I need you! I need you right now! Please, listen to me!” she begged from their bedroom and Lukas just closed his violet eyes in pain and turned his back to her, heading out of the house to get some fresh air and cool himself down.

“Lukas? Lukas?! Lukas?! Lukas, answer me!” she yelled again but silence answered her and she collapsed onto the floor and cried.

Lukas, please, I need you so much… you misunderstood…please…’

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