703 westmerland st

303 6 0

As I walked into our new home.
I could not be live my eyes 5 bedroom 4 bathroom
A pool.
And a lovely landscape
It was spectacular.
But something ruined that moment very quickly
I could see Noah spouting up as if he was 6 months old.
And Emma was doing the same thing
I already showed Jacob the rooms I wanted for the kids so they were already done.
Noah started to crawl as Emma sat up I was in tears and then Jacob walked in.
And picked Emma up and said
"If it wasn't for him we would have more time Bella you gave birth 3 days ago and Noah's trying to walk I should've been with you I could
Have protected you
And the babies
I'll never forgive myself ok"
As Jacob finished was he was saying a tear rolled down his cheek
I love my children so much but I don't want them to grow
Sorry again for the short chapter but I'm very busy I'm actually posting a schedule
Next chapter

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