4 and some change

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Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Emma and Noah
Happy birthday
To you
From Carlisle and Esme to Emma a monster high doll and for Noah a lighting maqueen race car toy
From Rosalie and emmet to Emma a pretty pink case for her brown contacts
And a blue case for Noah
From Alice and jasper  to Emma makeup lots of makeup to Noah two tickets to monster truck racing
From Edward to Emma and scrap book to Noah a kiddie car
From Bella a ballet kit to Emma and a blow up truck to Noah
From Jacob 20 bucks to each children
It had been a long night and I was so tired so I stayed at the Cullen's while the kids were with their dad for the weekend
4:12 am
I'm on the couch watching tv and I get up to go to the bathroom and I drop my cup of o- blood
Edward I yelled no response so I went to pick it up and all I heard was crack
I was in labor I cried for help
Alice brought me to the ER in the basement and preformed my natural birth after a bit Carlisle came down and finished
So it ended up being

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