chapter 6: Graveyard

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Sam left the area with harly an went to the graveyard to find her parents grave sight ,she walked around then she saw the worker that works there ask them if they knew where Mr &Mrs Smith is located the worker showed the way but then the work ask Sam didn't you go to the funeral Sam looked at the worker an told him no I wasn't there when they died .

Sam looked at harly cause harly was holding Sam hand very tightly she tear up a little an then harly told Sam I will wait for you in the car
Sam said "no stay with me please " harly walked back to Sam "fine just don't lose control of yourself I will be right here for you I won't give up on you

Sam walk up to the grave site and there was a group of. People standing in front of the gate  one of  the  person  walked  up  to  Sam an try to stab her but Sam blocked all the  attacks ,harly  jumped on  the  person back an snap his neck without  no hesitation, Sam looked at harly an ran towards  her  harly nodded  an fliped Sam backwards  an she kicked  the person  in the  chest Sam broke  there  lungs  from  the  long drop to the  floor ,harly  grab Sam an run back to the  car as fast as she  can,out of  nowhere this guy shows up an shoots at the people  he told harly an Sam "get out of  here now "
Sam looked at him trying  to  figure out  who he was but he kept  shooting  bullets  and  Arrows at the  group  of  angry  men.

After leaving  the  graveyard  harly kept  thinking  about  the  mystery  person  who  saved  there life sam looked at harly saying  "were okay  that person  save are live we should  thank him". Harly smile  at sam she kept  driving  fast then they  stop at a restaurant  to get something to  eat while Sam was eating  harly  kept thinking  about  the  guy that save them  harly had a  flash back of her little  brother  Luis he always  love  to  save his sister  from danger all of  a sudden  Sam call harly name  to see if she  is  okay.

Harly said "yes I'm okay just  had a  flash  back "Sam said " really is this the  first  time this happen".
Harly said no this is  not  the  first  time  this  happen  it only happens  when  I think  of  my family.

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