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Today we were arriving in Prague. It was still early in the morning and we were all drifting in and out of sleep. Me the most, since all I could think about was Michael and what had happened the night before. He had kissed me.

After that, he had avoided me and if I was honest, I understood. After all, he kissed Luke as well.

I hadn't dared to tell the other two, knowing they would react either weirdly or laugh and then confront Michael. And in that moment, I didn't think Michael needed that.

Luckily, we were seeing Luke -my body- today and maybe that would help Michael out for a bit. If not, then I guess that would be the end of our amazing friendship. But anything that makes him feel better.

"Lucie, wake up! We've arrived." Ashton pulled the curtain of my bunk back, grinning at me. "We're gonna go out for some breakfast."

I looked at Ashton for a moment, thinking about what to do and coming to a smart -in my opinion- conclusion. "I feel a bit nauseous. Is it okay if I try and sleep it off?"

Ashton frowned, his face showing sympathy. "Yeah sure. We'll take something for you, okay?"

I nodded, smiling at him a little. "Thank you."

"It's fine. Now try and sleep. I hope you feel better soon." He patted my shoulder, before stepping back and closing the curtain again. I sighed quietly, turning on my side and listening to the sounds.

I heard the boys talk to each other, Ashton announcing I wasn't feeling all too well and was staying here. To my surprise, Michael then asked what was wrong and if I needed company. Ashton told him what I had told him and that I was going to sleep, so company wasn't needed.

After that, it was quiet, except for the quick 'let's go' and the shuffling of feet. The door of the bus fell shut and I kept still for a few minutes, making sure nobody was there. I then took out Luke's phone and FaceTimed the first person that I thought could help me.

"It's so early why are you calling?" Luke groaned out, letting himself fall back on my bed.

"Multiple reasons." I mumbled, shifting a little to get comfortable, before launching into the conversation. "First off, we're in Prague. If you remembered, you've looked at the trains and all, right?"

"I did." Luke answered quietly, yawning.

"Then get your ass up and get here."

"Yeah, in a minute." He mumbled, yawning again and then rubbing at his eyes with his free hand.

"And second, I need your help. Like, big time crisis." I started biting on the nail of my thumb, before shaking my head and moving my hand away.

"Tell uncle Luke what's wrong."


"Shut up. Now inform me." He stuck out his tongue, before getting up. He then put the phone on my desk, making it face my room. Oh how I missed that cozy little place...

"You can talk. I'll just gather some stuff, but it's loud enough so I can hear you."

"Okay, um, well, I've been learning songs, obviously. And Michael has been helping with that. And... um, well, I guess that's brought us close." I started out, not sure how to drop the bomb and then ask for advice.

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