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I skated around the park with Aj for a bit longer. I ended up scraping up my elbows and knees as well but was careful to avoid injuring my hands any futher. Aj continued to offer me first aid but I refrused in excitement to get up and try again.

We spent the entire day skating together. Aj even talked me into riding on his skateboard with him which was a hilarious fail.

"This is some of the most fun I've had since high school started. Thanks, Kitty." Aj says. He gives me a sad smile.

"Why are you thanking me?" I ask. Aj walks up onto my porch, my breath hitching. He drops his bag and his skateboard and wraps his arms around me, tightly. He hugs me. I breathe in and his scent fills my nose. I haven't become completely familiar with it, but I'm already attached to it. I wrap my arms around him, too. I shut my eyes, tightly.

"I'm thanking you for giving me a chance to at least be your friend." the words 'at least' catch me off guard. Aj lets me go and I do the same with him.

He picks his stuff up and starts to walk toward his home.

"Wait, Aj." I say, unwillingly. "I- I don't want to be alone."

"I was hoping you'd say that." Aj smiles and jogs back up to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leading me into my house.


Aj made popcorn, took off his shirt, then plopped down next to me on my bed. I wore a pair of shorts and my wraps.

He lays on my chest and I tangle my fingers in his hair and use my free hand to shovel popcorn in my mouth. We watch American Horror Story, season three. Coven.

Aj puts and arm under me and runs his fingers over my side.

My eyelids become heavy. I can hardly keep my eyes open and Aj is still massaging my side.

"Kitty," Aj says. "you're falling asleep, aren't you?"

I yawn and say, "Yup." Aj shifts his body to lay behind me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his chest and tucks his face into the crook of my neck. He kisses my shoulder

"Goodnight, Kitty." he says quietly in my ear.

"Yunno, this is awful close for comfort." I smile, even though he can't see me.

"Just let me hold you. At least you won't be alone." Aj's words hit me right where it hurts. My heart cramps in pain as I remember how alone I was before I met him three days ago.

When my parents are here, they hardly notice me. Not that they're here often. Being alone leaves me with unpleasant thoughts. I've always enjoyed being alone. It's being lonely that hurts.

There's a difference between being alone and being lonely. When you're alone, it's just you and no one else. When you're lonely, you feel a longing to have someone next to you and have them hold you.

All I want is for someone to hold me, like Aj is now. I want him to see the world in my eyes and look no further than me. I want myself to never stray far from his thoughts and vice versa. I want to be his world, the most important thing to him. It may be selfish of me to say, but I want to keep him for myself. I want him to like me the way I like him. I want his heart to beat fast when I'm near him as mine does him. I want his face to grow red when I speak. I don't want to be lonely anymore. I already have been for so long.

"Are you going to be like the others? Are you going to leave me when you get your fair share?" I whisper, suddenly less tired.

"No," Aj whispers in my ear. "I'll never get enough of you, Kitty. Get some sleep."

G.U.T.S (AJ x Kid AU)Where stories live. Discover now