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"FASTER, FASTER!" Scout exclaimed from the back car seat, urging Sheriff Stilinski to go faster than the speed limit.

"I can't go faster than the limit, Scout, you know that." He declined as he didn't want to get in trouble. Scout narrowed her doey eyes as she stared into the mirror and back at him, "Are you sure?"

He stayed quiet, not wanting to teach Scout that it was the right thing to speed. "I'll get you that rare 90's candy box that you wanted!" Scout piped up, wanting to see the Sheriff, the head of the police station, the law enforcer, do something illegal.

"Y-you can't - that's impossible!"

"I know Davey Donald!"

Sheriff gaped in shock as he turned to look at Scout while the light was red. "That's a lie!" He said, not believing that the little girl that his son's best friend's mother had adopted, the girl that he had known from the day she first came into Melissa McCall's arms, knew an idol.

"Let's just say that Baby Davey Donald has a little crush on me!"

The Stilinski opened and closed his mouth like a fish, shocked that Davey Donald's son even knew Scout McCall. Sheriff slammed on the gas pedal, amazing Scout as he grumbled under his breath, "Scout McCall, bless your itty bitty corrupted soul."

Scout's lively squeals and bright smiles turned into laughter as the Sheriff drove her to school.

"So, what do I do now?" The Sheriff asked Scout as she dragged him through the halls, "Do I have to check you in or something?"

"No, silly, we have to go to Ms. Therell's room." Scout pulled the Sheriff and rolled her brown eyes at saying of Ms. Therell. God, did Scout hate Ms. Therell.

"Why don't you like Ms. Therell?" He questioned as the walked through the hall filled with only a few kids and parents. He nodded his head to some of the other parents in respect as they tipped their head back to him. Scout frowned, she didn't like thinking about her mean teacher.

"The other kids always ask me why me and Mommy don't look the same. And when I tell on them, she doesn't put them in time out at all!" Scout rubbed her teary eyes and sniffled before looking up at the Sheriff with some tears in them, "Me and Mommy don't like that different, do we?"

Sheriff Stilinski froze, he didn't know what to do. He obviously couldn't be the first to tell her but he couldn't be the one to make her believe it.

"I'll talk to Ms. Therell, don't worry." He reassured her with a tight-lipped smile. Scout nodded and wiped away her tears with the hand that didn't hold the Sheriff's own. The pair walked slowly until Scout stopped at a door labeled "MS. THERELL'S CLASS OF WONDER".

Sheriff Stilinski's eyes glanced over the label before twisting the door knob. Their eyes met with bursts of color and sound as they stepped into the room. Ms. Therell, a sweet woman in her late thirties stood at her desk and conversed with parents that were around her.

Scout sighed before frowning, "Let's go."


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