Treat you better

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y/n pov

SLAP! I lifted my hand to my stinging cheek. He hit me. He actually HIT me!!! Me and my boyfriend, Nick, had been dating for 4 years almost till I found out he was cheating on me. I was confronting him when he hit me." Your probably the one cheating, Y/N!! Most likely with your so called friend Shawn!!!" Nick yell before pushing me backwards. I tripped over one of his shoes, hitting my head hard on the wall. He started to come at me again. I swear I think I heard the front door open, but then again I hit my head pretty hard. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for impact when I heard him." NICK!! Don't you dare touch her." Shawn said." And why would I listen to you?" Nick said pulling his arm back, ready to punch me. Before he could, shawn grabbed his arm, throwing him out the front door. Shawn stood there, body tensed, clenched jaw, balled fists. I tried to stand, but the moment I put my weight on my right foot, I fell back to the ground in pain. "(Y/N)!!!" Shawn said, running over to me. He kneeled down besides me and I just broke down. Shawn pulled me into a hug and tried to calm me. "Why would he do that? I never did anything to him!" I sobbed into his chest. "Because his a fucked up person." Shawn said, lifting me up bridal position. Shawn carried me into the bathroom and say me down on the counter before grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet. He grabbed a gauss to wrap my arm with. I forgot he threw his beer bottle at me. He cleaned the cut on my eyebrow before moving down to my ankle. He lightly touched it, making me hiss because of the pain. He looked up at me, sorrow filled his eyes. He wrapped it before picking me up again. "You twisted your ankle. We'll ice it tonight but, I'm taking you to the doctor in the morning." Shawn said. He sat me on the couch before leaving. I heard rustling from the kitchen before Shawn came back with a bag full of ice. He sat at my feet before pulling them on his lap, putting the ice on my right ankle. "I swear I'm going to kill him." Shawn mumbled. "No shawn, no your not." I said sternly. "But he hurt you!!" Shawn said, his voice cracking in the doing. He looked over at me, tears in his eyes. I sat up and wiped them away with my thumb, shushing him. "I can treat you better (Y/N), better than he ever could." Shawn whispered as I fell asleep. "I know." Was all I could say before sleep over took me. I knew shawn was better for me. I always did. I always will.


I have been working on this since the song came out in June. I think it's FINALY ready to be published

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