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Shawn's pov

"Y/N?!?" I called out, trying to locate where my girlfriend was. I had just gotten home from touring. I had been talking to her friend, (y/f/n), and she had told me that she had noticed that she wasn't eating. Yah, I don't know what to say about that ( A/N I didn't know what to say right there 😹). I heard gagging coming from upstairs. " Oh no" I mumbled, running up the stairs. Y/N was hunched over the toilet gagging. I could tell just by looking at her she had lost pounds, her hands were bones . She was wearing one of my hoodies and a pair of my sweatpants, baggy clothes. "Y/N?"  I said, walking over to her. She squealed, jumping slightly at my voice. She looked up at me, tears glossing over her eyes. I looked over into the toilet, nothing in it, she had nothing to throw up. I started crying on the spot. "Why?" I asked, getting on my knees, pulling her to my chest. "I'm sorry Shawn, I'm so, so sorry. You were gone a-and my parents they got divorced and people started a rumor about me and I just couldn't take it... I just stopped eating." She said, crying in my chest. I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I pulled her away from me, looking into her eyes. "Shawn?" I shook my head. I started to remove her sweater, when she stopped me. She shook her head frantically, fear in her eyes. I grabbed both of her hands in one of mine and held them over her head. She was squirming under me, trying to get out of my grip. I pulled the hoodie and held my tears back. Her ribs and hip bone were poking out and there were scars all over her chest and arms. I looked up at her, she was sobbing. I pulled down her sweats, to see even more scars. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her head as I rocked her. I lifted her up and walked out of the bathroom and into our room, laying her on the bed. "Tomorrow you need to eat Y/N, it's not good for you. You've lost pounds and you've been getting sick. You don't have anything to throw up. Just start off eating a little ok." I said standing up to get changed. She nodded, closing her eyes. I took my shirt and jeans off before getting in bed with her. She gave me time to get comfortable before she climbed on my chest. I stroked her hair as she slowly fell asleep. "I love you so much Y/N. More than you'll ever know.


Ta Da!!!!!!

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