There's Something There

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I woke up with a start, my mind racing, the last thing I remembered we were waiting for the three matron's of the ship Ray, Sara, and Kendra to get there. When Chronos attacked, and now I'm here handcuffed to a railing. The only good part of this is not being around Sara Lance, she was nice enough but she just wouldn't take the hint I wasn't interested in her at all.

  My thoughts were interrupted by metallic footsteps, and in came Chronos. He looked at me for a long stretch then went to the panel in the middle of the room.

  "My ship has locked onto your friends but luckily for them, for the moment we are stuck in hyperspace and can't get to them."

   "So you kidnap me and bring me onto your ship and it brakes down" I drawled, he made a noise and looked at me

   "Shut your mouth before I shut it" he said in his metallic groan.

  "So why me? Why not Rip, or the other two" I growled, he looked at me and I could swear I saw sadness behind his helmet, stalking over to me he undid the cuffs, grabbing my arm he led to me to one of the rooms on board and shoved me into it.

   "We will be stuck here for a few weeks ... Just don't leave this room, I'll bring you food" and with that the door closed shut and the locks engaged. I quirked an eyebrow at the door and looked around, aha a vent, this guy wasn't just annoying he was stupid. Being as I could still hear him rumbling about I decided to wait to make my escape. Laying down I looked up at the ceiling, first I abandon the love of my life and now I'm captured I thought wishing I had my blue bouncy ball to relieve my stress.

        I listened carefully as Chronos walked the halls of his ship, his loud metallic footsteps were easily audible from my room slash prison. After a few hours of listening to that I began to doze off, obviously the man never slept.

   The sound of the door opening woke me up, I sat up wondering how long I had been out. Looking over at the door I saw Chronos standing there a food tray in his hands

   "Are you going either come in or drop that off" I asked annoyed, I raised an eyebrow as he shifted a bit and then entered the room, the door closing behind him. Putting the tray on the small table in the corner of the room then pushed it over to me

   "Eat" he demanded I just looked at him and pushed the tray forward.

   "Please eat" he said softly, I had no idea what was up with all this but I couldn't help but feel like he actually cared. Sighing I pulled the tray back and began eating. Keeping an eye on him the entire time, he was watching me eat, making sure I ate every last bit of it. Usually I would fear of food given to me by my enemy being poisoned but for some reason I trusted him.

  After I was done, he moved the tray to the side and put down a deck of cards. I looked up at him wondering what his game was, wondering why he was being so kind to me. Grabbing the cards I pulled them out of the box, and saw the nude women that adorned the backs, they looked just like the deck of cards Mick owns. Shaking that off I shuffled and laid out a hand each.

I watched every move he made, the way his hands grasped the cards like a pro even with those metal gloves on. The way that every move he made reminded him of Mick, once again I had to shake the thought away, because it either meant that I  was going crazy or that was Mick, but it couldn't be could it?

  I couldn't help but grin as I put down the winning hand, groaning Chronos leaned back in his chair and studied me, after minutes of just staring at each other, Chronos finally stood and stalked towards the door, he took one last look at me and was gone. I got up and checked the control panel on the wall and noticed that he hadn't locked it. 'Well I guess I won't need to go through the vents' I thought a little sad. Just to make sure I was right about the door I pushed the panel and just like I thought it opened right up. Looking both ways I didn't see Chronos anywhere, knowing I should wait and go on this mission when Chronos might be asleep, if he slept, didn't keep my curiosity from beating out all commons sense.

   Deciding I would go left I turned down a hallway that seemed to last forever, that's when I stumbled into a room whose door was left open, taking caution I peeked inside but when I saw the only thing in there was some glowing pink thing I went in, heading straight to what was sure to be priceless, I stopped, it wasn't anything but a flower in a glass dome, though it was floating so there must have been some importance to it. It reminded me of Beauty and the Beast, could it be that Chronos was doomed to stay in that armor for eternity if he didn't find true love before the last petal dropped, I laughed then remembered the card game and how he reminded me so much of Mick, worried I looked back at the rose and realized it had only a few pedals left.

   "GET OUT OF HERE" came a booming voice behind me, swerving on my heels I saw Chronos and he looked pissed, stomping over to me he grabbed my arm, and started dragging me out of the room.

  "I know it's you Mick" I growled loudly, and he stopped, so I was right, but before we could discuss anything the ai announced that the WaveRider had attached itself to the ship and breeched the outer doors.

Letting go of me Chronos Mick and I  went quickly to the bridge and waited for the others. "Mick just put down the blaster let's talk this out" I yelled but it was to late the others came rushing in, shots and fire rang throughout the bridge. Panicking I jumped up on the panel "STOP" I yelled loudly and to my surprise the noise in the room went quiet but before I could say anything Sara lunged at Mick, she must have noticed the one weak spot in the armor that I did, jumping off the panel I wrestled Sara to the floor before her or Mick killed each other.

  Before I knew what was happening she sat up under me and kissed, I heard mick make a low growl as I made one myself and slapped her, which stopped her in her tracks. Getting up I ran over to mick and wrapped my arms around him. I sighed as his arms wrapped around me and pulled me close, I could hear the murmuring behind me but I didn't care.

  Backing up a little I reached up, but he grabbed my arm "this suit will never come off, I've been doomed to wear it for eternity for my betrayal and thoughts of revenge." He said sadly, the last pedal must have fell off and he knew it.

  "I don't care I will love you in or out of that suit Mick" I cried and kissed the mask, I could hear more murmuring, and then the hiss of latches coming undone. Slowly reaching up I pulled on the helmet, and to both me and his surprise it came off. Like a mad man I pulled off every inch of his armor not caring if he was clothed underneath or anything else, all I knew was I wanted to free him from this metal prison he had been stuck in for who knows how long.

  I felt him grab my arms and that's when I noticed I had shed all of it to the ground, beside myself, I began crying my body shaking as I wrapped my arms around him his neck and kissed him, happy when he kissed back, pulling away

  "I'm sorry my beloved that I betrayed you, I love you, I always have, and I always will" he said tears flowing down his face.

"I love you too my beloved, and I am sorry I abandoned you, I will always love you, forever"

                           And we lived        
                        happily ever after

                                The end

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