Part 13

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Grayson's POV

When the time that, I kissed Mile. I felt that my world shakes and i really feel the love. And i wish she will be mine soon but i will still court her before she will answer me the BIG YES! Now, We're here eating breakfast and Im enjoying to watch her while eating the breakfast that i made. And i love watching her because she's so cute.

"Hey, Gray why you're staring at me?" Mile asked
"Nothing,You're so cute haha" I answered and smiled
"Haha" Mile laughed
"Mile. Im just thinking about, What if we gonna go on a beach tomorrow?" I Asked her
"Oh. I really love beach! Yes we do Gray!" Mile answered and she really smiled big
"So, We're gonna pack up tonight." I said
"Yeah. But, Let's just go to mall this afternoon before packing" Mile requested
"Yes..Sure Babe" I said.
"Okay babe!" Mile said and smiled again

When Mile smiled at me, or just look at me i really feel so complete. I love the way when he smiled and laugh and she's not Killjoy she loves what i want to do haha.

After an hour..

We're here in the mall. And Mile just looking but not buying anything. Well, We went to a supermarket. She buy fruits,foods and anything that we can bring in the beach. Well, I will gonna be the happiest guy ever because i will gonna spend my time with her..

"Okay, Gray. This is all, after this what we gonna do?" Mile asked me
"Uhm. We gonna go home,listen to music and pack our bags" I answered
"Okay, I'm so excited" Mile said excitedly

Well, Ethan texted me

-Hey Gray, Are you spending time with My Princess?-

I replied

-Yah Ethan, Im still courting her-

Ethan replied again

-okay, take care of her.-

I replied

-I will-

Here yah. While packing up, Im checking our car if its okay. And I just saw Mile staring at me in the door and standing up like a model.

"Haha. Why Mile?" I asked
"Nothing. You're just cute babe" Mile said
"Haha. You're the cutest Ilove you!" I Said
"ILOVE YOU MORE!" Mile shouted

And i just smiled like won a lottery. Haha and she just walk and went inside. And after checking our car, i just come inside too just to look for her.

"Mile?" I asked
"**" No one is answering
"Mile where are you don't scare me" i said
"**" Still not
"Mile!!!" I shouted

And i walk and....
"Boo!!" Mile shocked me and laugh
"What the!! Hahhahaha you make me so worry" i said and hugged her in her waist and kissed her in her cheek

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