Part 19

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Grayson's POV

I'm so uncomfortable for my Girlfriend. Because she's partying without me. And Im so scared if someone steal her from me. I dont want to lose her SHE'S ONLY MINE. But yeah she promised me that Im hers and she's mine thats why im comfortable now. 

After 34 Mins

-Happening inside Lauren's house-

Mile's still partying with Lauren. 

"Hey Mile, Drink this beer" Lauren said

"No, I'm not im not allowed" Mile said

"What? Hahaha you're not a kid you're an adult" Lauren said and still pushing Mile to drink a beer
"Im not allowed by my boyfriend because he said that beers are not good for health" Mile said 

"Haha.Alright" Lauren said

And then, After talking with Lauren. A guy approach Mile and put his arms around Mile's shoulders.

"Hey,Stop I dont know you" Mile said and took away the guy's arms around his shoulders
"Your so sexy" The guy said and started kissing Mile's neck
"Stop!!! YOU BITCH! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Mile shouted and mad

Ooh? What's happening inside? Holy sh-- It's Mile I will punch this guy.
I started to enter Lauren's house and punched that Guy on his face. We had a fight and Lauren took away that guy from me so we ended a fight.

"If you will do that thing again to my Girlfriend I will kill you!" I shouted and pointing my fingers on him 
"Babe.. Babe stop" Mile said and stopping me and she's crying

I looked at her eyes. And my world just stopped and-

"Alright. We're gonna back to our house babe Im sorry" I apologized to Mile and i hold her hand tightly and we get in our car fastly and I drive my car 

"Babe. Im so sorry I didn't listen to you Im so sorry this is all my fault that's why--" Mile said and stopped because i hold her hand
"Babe.. It's alright I understand you don't cry It's not your fault. It was Lauren's fault I hate her. And Im not mad at you because you were just invited okay? And I will never get mad at you I promise stop crying your too pretty to cry we're going home rn" I said and explained
"Okay" Mile said and layed her head into my shoulders

After a minute we're here in our house. Mile run and get the First Aid Kit. And she started to take care of me. 

"Uh.. Your face" Mile said and touching my blackeye 
"Haha. It's alright babe. Well I won that Guy deserves my punches" I said and confess Lol 
"Stop.. Its not funny just stop" Mile said seriously
"Okay" I said and stop

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