Chapter Eighteen - Flashback

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A/N - Call this a history lesson. Sorry I might get facts wrong about religion. No offence intended to those who are Christians! Sorry if i get it all wrong. I made it so its spoke in English too. Like, modern English. like 'Piss off' lol. sorry again if it causes offence! Enjoy! 


The darkness engulfs me, as I look around me. Everything is dark. So dark, I don't tell the difference if i'm closing my eyes or not. These dreams are getting on my nerves.


Everything goes white, as a room seeps into view. Everything is white. I look as the two beds, as they come into view. I look as the nightstands come into view. I look as a side comes into view, with a light. I watch someone come through the black door just to the side of me. His hair is curly. He's short. And he looks about sixteen. He looks at me.

"Aurelia?" He looks at me. "Are you coming? I'm going to teach Gabriel a few tricks of mine." He smiles. I glimpse at his eyes.

"Lucifer?" I gasp, backing away.

"What's wrong, sister?" He asks, curiously. "It's the only time that we can play. Father's out. Are you coming?" He looks at me, puzzled.

"Uh... sure." I look at him, as he begins to walk out the door. "Wait. What about Mic Mikkle?" I ask, smiling. Play along I think.

"He is doing something for Father. He should stay out of our way. You coming?" He asks again.

"Yeah. Okay. Be there in a sec." I say, looking around me at my surroundings.

"Okay sister." He says, then walks out. I breath out. At least this Lucifer has manners. i think, This is one hell of a dream.

"Its not a dream, Louise." Gabriel's voice alerts me. I spin around, to see the grown up version of him there. "You need to know." He walks to me, stopping two feet away.

I look at him. "But I'm sleeping." Is the only thing that i can say.

"Well, you'll be having a history lesson anyway. This" He throws his hands up. "Is exactly what happened that day. A day you need to remember. This only highlights. Its not real. But it happened." He says. "Don't tell Sam and Dean I'm alive. Lucifer doesn't know now. And also, I'm going to leave all this to you. The war. Everything. I can only visit you in your dreams. Good luck Aurelia." He says, and he disappears in a flash. 

I'm gaping at an empty space when i hear footsteps. "Aria! Are you coming, or what?" I hear Lucifer shout.

"Coming!" I shout back, and go out of the door. 

I cross a corridor, following the boy, until we're outside a room. "Gabriel?" he calls, knocking ever so slightly.

The door swings open to reveal a about twelve year old boy. He crosses his arms. "Lucy and Arrie. Nice of you to drop by." Lucifer looks at me. I shake my head, as he looks back to Gabriel. 

"So what Gabby Gabe" I say, mocking him. "You gonna let us in or what?" I wait, patiently, folding my arms, imitating him.

He sighs, his hands dropping to his sides. "Fine. Get in before Michael comes." I go in. The room reveals a bed, a few toys, a set of draws, books, a side table to the bed, and a wardrobe. I gape. He is such a nerd. "What you going to teach me today?" He asks, sitting on the bed like an exited little kid waiting for his Christmas presents. I look at him, then at Lucifer, who sighs and tells me to get out. I look at him.

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