2. The Pirate Babies

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The sun was starting to shine bright , the sky was painted in blue to a lighter hue as the morning come aproshing. All the days for the past 3 months were filled with Emma's parents worrying about there daughter and unborn grandchildren and charming setting for preparation of the next attack from the Evil Queen who Came for the last 17  years on emma's Birthday trying to cast a curse but every year she fails as there were a stronger power than her's which was emma's power but because this year Emma is pregnant they are making preparations.


The dinning table was filled with silence as there was a glare coming from charming directed to captain Killian as they were the only one sitting waiting for both snow and emma to come to the breakfast table which was prepared by granny and ruby who were helping around the castle.

The time passes by and finally Emma approached the table going directly to the seat located near the pirate as he stood up and pulls the chair for the blonde to sit in directing a wink toward her which doesn't go unnoticed by Charming.

" Good Morning " Emma said , smiling as she heard everyone responding back but she pay much attention to them because of the kicks in her tummy as she rubs her hands on her belly.

" they are going to be boys , I absolutely sure " emma cooed to Killian , breaking the silent in the table.

Killian smiled toward her  " No , I hope they are girls so they would be beautiful just like there mother" as she approached to kiss his cheeks she noticed the glare from her father so she packed back and just smiled toward him and we all continued eating our breakfast silently.


Emma's Room :

" Well " he said with his accent. " that was Fun ". he frowned as he hated living in the castle with the stares directed to him every time he spoke  , the only reason he stayed at the castle was because of emma and the babies.

" Soon my father will approve , Don't worry " Emma said reassuring him as she kissed him but was interrupted.

" Oh " Emma squealed , her brows furrowing " I think even the babies don't like seeing there father sad ". The babies's kicks have been more frequent since Emma stepped onto her eight month of pregnancy.

" Hello Babies , you are giving your Mother a hard time , huh ? " Hook muttered as he rubbed the baby bump kneeling to be the exact level of Emma's belly.

Emma chuckled in admission of how adorable the pirate seemed although he was tuff on the outside , he was a kind man and that was one of the reason she fell in love with him. 

she grimaced just as Killian caught her expression , she began pursing her lips and drawing long slow blows " Clearly , I wasn't prepared for all this pain " she tried to say without the sound of complaining. because although she is just 16th and this pregnancy was totally not planned , it was more than what she could ask for as she could totally imagine the rest of her life living with her twins and Killian.


countless stars and the bright moon shinned across the sky as the night started to consume the kingdom , Everyday ended as the more worried everyone got including emma as after 1 month was her 17th birthday and she knew that the evil queen wouldn't leave there kingdom alone without a fight. The silence bounced through the castle walls as all the blonde could hear was the wind blowing but she couldn't sleep as the babies kicks started to increase and she couldn't handle it. on the other side , Killian was sleeping like a baby next to her she watched her precious guy sleeping.

After a few minute Killian was startled by the groaning of Emma while she was walking across the room as she hardly can talk a breathe. 

" Are you okay , love ? " He finally spoke after a few minute.

" Do you want me to call your mother " He continued as he stood up and help assist her back to bed.

She nodded in agreement as she clutched his hands tightly to not leave her by herself and so his only choice was to scream and he knew the guards were just at the end of the hallway.


Few Hours had past and all I could hear was the sound of emma screaming as i was by her side holding her hand but the feelings in my hand were almost gone due to her holding my hands firmly and almost crashing my only remaining hands.

" Push love , just one last time " Killian said as all Emma thought about was the pain that was moving through her body.

" KILLAIN , SHUT UP  " Emma screamed as she kept on pushing hard.


The ray of sunshine striking through the room as a smile draw on my face holding my beautiful daughter as i couldn't hope for a better gift for my birthday.

I stared at the beautiful baby girl I was holding in my arms as the other baby was in Killian's hand who was sitting in the rocky chair as he was slightly falling asleep after 24 hours stright of him comforting me through the pain and my parents went to sleep after a long day.

" Killian " I whispered as i wanted to see if he was asleep or not. " Yes .. " He answered as he reunite his strength to stay awake but i could see right throw his his soul. 

" if you want to sleep , I can hold my beautiful Girls " I reassured him as he came approaching to me with the baby girl in his arms as he kissed my forehead.

" what was that for " I asked.

" I never thought I'd be capable of letting go of my first love . my Milah ,  to believe i could ever fall involve again, that is ... until i met you "  He said.

I couldn't help but smile as i looked in his eyes.  

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