The Meeting

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"Hi," Blue murmured as she climbed into the passenger seat of the Camaro. She tucked her feet onto the seat with her, drawing her arms around her shins and resting her slim chin in the divot made by her joined knees. She turned her head to look at Gansey, in his half-Presidential glory: white t-shirt, wrinkled cargo shorts, and his thin wire-frame glasses. Her favorite Gansey. "I'm glad you called. I couldn't sleep."

"Same. Where do you want to go?" He looked at her shyly, watching the gentle wave of her wild hair dance in the wind gently blowing in from the open window beside her.

"Anywhere. I just want to...go."

"Okay. Let's go." With smooth, practiced movements, he took the car out of park and pulled away from the front of 300 Fox Way. The wind from the open windows whipped at their hair and clothes. Blue closed her eyes against the sensation, but a small smile played at the corners of her lips as she kept her head turned in the direction of Gansey. He kept glancing at her pale, open face, pretty images floating through his mind as he sped down the cracked pavement of Henrietta. When he was on a fairly flat drag of road, he moved his hand from the gearshift and laid it on one of Blue's for a moment. Her smile spread even wider as her eyes popped open to look at him. She slipped her fingers around his, holding them tight as he looked back at the road. He squeezed back.

She replaced his hand on the gearshift, but laid hers on top, holding her fingers around his carefully as he sped up. With precise, automatic movements he sped the car up twists of road and paths that were near invisible in the darkness. Up, up, and up they climbed, disappearing into the blackness that became Henrietta at night. The blackness that hid wicked dealings and Kavinsky's gang. Thought they were all one and the same. With almost jerky movements, Gansey pulled over on top of a tall slope, in tall grass that was unbroken save for trees intersperse here and there. He pulled the Camaro into park and leaned back in park, his hand still under Blue's on the center consol.

"Perfect," she whispered as she gazed out the front window, where the black-blue night stood out with stars twinkling high above.

Gansey looked at her and nodded, knowing that she couldn't see his assent to an entirely different thing. "Tell me what was going on at your house when I called."

"Let's see," she said with a quick of her lips, still looking outside. "Mom and the Gray Man were in their room talking about hit manning. I guess it was a very interesting topic because they were talking for a long time. Orla and Calla were arguing quite loudly about who would get to use the phone. Orla was doing her circus act while she was talking, too. So it made it even more funny to see the two of them facing each other like that. Jimi was burning something in the backyard, but it still came inside and made the whole who stick like dirt and salt water."

"And what were you doing?"

"I was lying in bed. Waiting for something to happen that did involve crazy psychics. I guess I got my wish." She turned to him then, his face hidden in shadows and staring at her so intently it sent a pang of lightning through her. She leaned forward and waved her fingers over his wind-wild hair, kneeling in her seat to get closer. He put a hand on her arm to steady her, but he missed and it went to her side. She stumbled into him, half falling into his lap. She gazed up at him, her lips parted. He leaned down as she stretched up, and with hurried movements they grappled at each other with careful mimicked embraces, brushing cheeks and foreheads and noses, but never their lips.

Their cheeks were side by side when Blue ducked her head, her lids lowered as she stared at where her fingers were knotted in his shirt, and where his hands were wrapped around her back, holding her to him. She pushed herself away, back into her seat, where she pulled open the door and stumbled out. She left the door hanging open as she walked away, moving to the back of the Pig to lean against the trunk.

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