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Jack POV

"GREAT! I have to CLEAN MY FRIKEN HOUSE!!!!!" Jack groans staring at his messy living room.

"Well, it is at least for my friend. I DON'T want to do this...........ugh. Ok, I'm doin it." Jack said to him self getting off of his sofa. His friend will be at his house in an hour.

Jack was excited to see his friend. Even though Jack was very lazy,that day he did do his cleaning. Just for his friend. He even made the table in the dinning room look fancy for their dinner. Jack had all of his stuff he wanted to do all planned out. Just as he, finally finished cleaning his home. The door bell rang.

"Oh, crap it is him!" Jack dashed to the door.

No ones povL

Just as Mark pressed the door bell, Jack swing the door open nearly hitting Mark's face.

"Oh CRAP!!!! Don't kill meh!!!" Mark teased. He looked at Jack a smile across his face.

"Nope, I won't kill you.......yet. " Jack teased. Mark chuckled, he hasn't seen Jack in a long time. So, he was beaming with joy. Mark smiled a bit when Jack came in for a hug.

"Would you like to go inside?" Jack said moving out of the way of the frount door. Mark walked in looking at all the stuff he has.

"Man, cool digs. Is that cookies I smell." Mark said, giving Jack a smile.

"Yah, I thought you will l-like them. Do you want to try them?" Jack said walking into his kitchen grabbing a warm pan of cookies. Before, Jack could say anything Mark grabs a cookie and shove it in his mouth.

"OH GOD THESE ARE GOOD!!!!!" Mark said, looking like a man child with cookie crumbs all over his mouth.

Jack, stared at Mark on verge of laughter at him. Looking like a big piggy.

"Well, now I know to hide these cookies. You messy pig." Mark blushed, and wiped the crumbs off of his mouth.

"Well, where am I going to put my bags?" Mark asked looking at the giant suit case full of clothes and video games.

"Just, put them in the spare room. Wait let me do that for you." Jack said putting the tray of cookies on the counter.

"You, sure you want to do that they are heavy." Mark said, Jack nodes his head. And takes the bags down the hall.

Mark chuckled, as soon as he didn't see Jack. He turns to the cookies ,shoving them in his mouth with out chewing.

"Ok, so..................Mark?" Jack glared at the cookie eating Mark. Mark stops and stare at Jack blushing like crazy.

Jack gave him a look -_- . Note to self : I can't leave Mark alone in my house with cookies

"I can explain." Mark tried to talk, but crumbs came out of his mouth and, his words where muffled.

"Well, just try not to make a mess you PIG!!!" Jack teased. Mark, glared.

Jack POV

OmFg he is so CUTE, and nice and funny.

Do I love him? I probably like the concept of him..........oh god did I really just think of that.

"Hey, Jack is that a pool in your back yard?" Jack nodes his head.

"Yah, want go swimming." Mark nervous.

"I have a fear of water......." Mark said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, that is ok. I can show you it though, if that is ok Mark?" Mark nodded his head.

Ok, didn't know that. Hopefully my neighbors dog won't jump over the fence...

"Ok? I guess." And Mark and Jack head out to the back yard.

The sound of soft chimes in the distance. The yard was filled with lush green grass. And a few fruit trees. The sun's light poured through the leaves. With a pool, as big as a garage. With a small little water fall pouring water in to the pool. The pool was deep at least 25 ft deep. The pool water ripples as the light breezes fly by. And a little cherry tree next to the pool sending a few little cherry blossoms in to it.

Mark was astonished, at the beauty of the yard.

"Man, this is a beautiful yard Jack. Do you garden?" Mark asked, Jack shook his head.

"No, but my neighbors do. And, beware if the neighbors dog comes in the yard. It will jump over the fence when ever it smells a new person." Jack said, looking calmly at the yard. Mark on the other hand is freaking out.

"WTF!Do you mean a dog will - HELL!!!" A giant black great Dane hoppes over the wooden fence. Charging, at Mark. Jack already dashed up a tree, leaving Mark to defend for him self.

"RUN MARK!!!!!"Jack yelled up from the tree.

"BAUGH!!!!!FUCK YOU JACK" Mark yelled running from the terrifying dog.

Mark ran as fast as he could from the dog. But, the dog was catching up really quick. Lashing out its teeth, barking. Mark, sprinted as fast as he could sweating and deeply panting. His body hurt, his lungs hurt. He ran as Jack was up in the cherry tree. Watching him being chased by a Great Dane.

Screw you JACK!!!!!!

Mark was soon , tired from running. And the dog was gaining up on him. Mark couldn't keep on running. The only option was to jump into the pool. So Mark sharply turned to the pool, as the dog only inches behind. Barking it head off.

"MARK!!!!!" Jack cried out as Mark dives into the deep pool.

The dog backed off from the water jumping over the fence like a coward. Mark, was trying to swim. He was flailing his arms around and kicking frantically trying to keep above water. But, soon his body stopped out of pure tiredness. Soon he became to sink in the deep pool. Bubbles coming from the water. Jack jumps off of the tree rushing to the pool hoping that Mark is ok. He jumps in the pool, opening his eyes open in the water. Searching for Mark, soon Jack saw the fire red hair of Mark. And quickly swam, to him holding him in his arms. Dragging Mark to the surface. Jack throughs Mark on the pavement.

Mark, coughs up a little water trying to catch his breath. Jack gasps for air still slightly in the pull. As soon as he was out of the pool. He turns to breathing Mark.

"M-Mark are you ok" Jack stuttered from the freezing pool water. Mark coughed a little, look at Jack with heavenly eye lids.

"N-no, can ask you something" Mark said, as Jack cradles him.

"Can I have more cookies." Mark said, Jack dropped him.-_-

"Foock off of my cookies!!!!" And Jack walks away feeling like an idiot. Leaving Mark on the pavement laughing.

"Plz😄😄😄😄" Mark said, trying to stop laughing.

"No, you are banned from me, cookies you stupid!!" Jack said, walking out of the yard into the house.

"Can, I have one little cookie?" Mark said, on the floor laughing his pants off.

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