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Harry sleeps in my arms this night, I'm glad he sleeps. I can't sleep knowing that John is at the hospital in a coma. I fought to stay the night with John but the hospital staff would not allow it under any circumstances, the assured me that a nurse would stay with him at all times tho.

I hugged Harry closely, he's sleeping deeply. The love of my life is sleeping in my arms but our son is at the hospital.

I kiss Harry's forhead before I try to sleep. I haven't cried, I haven't spoken since we got to know that John is in a coma, I still can't believe it and I don't want to believe that he is in the hospital. I want it all to be an awful nightmare. I sigh and close my eyes. I need the rest, I really don't want to be more upset tomorrow than I already am.

"Lou?" I hear Harry's raspy morning voice wake me up. I sigh, not wanting to get up. I fell asleep around four this morning. "It's ten o'clock Lou." Harry tells me. I rub my eyes, hearing the rain pattering on the window makes me calm for a second but as soon as I remember about John I don't want to do anything today.

"I don't want to, Haz.." I complain through the sobs, I am crying and I haven't even noticed it until now. Harry kisses me and tells me that the breakfast is ready. I sigh, I have no motivation to get up but Harry has done breakfast and I really don't want to be rude.

I put on a shirt and walk to the kitchen. Harry has made pancakes, I love his pancakes but to be honest, I have no appetit today. Harry smiles at me which makes me mad. "Really Harry, really?" I laugh sarcastically.

"What?" He asks as if nothing was wrong. He looks me right in the eye like nothing has happened and that everything is fine. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Our son is in a coma and you act like you're happy and that everything is completely fine and normal!" I shout quietly before my voice completely breaks.

I actually just want to hug him and cry but no I'm taking it all out on him, but why is he acting like he's the happiest in the world? Harry takes a deep breath before he speaks. "I'm just trying to forget it so I can be happier for a minute and act like he will be fine but really I just cannot be happy right now.." Harry says honestly. On the verge of tears.

Now I feel bad for yelling at him, I hug him as I also cry. I can't help it, I burrow my face in his neck. I know Harry hasn't felt very good these last days and now he's feeling more upset than ever, I wish John stayed home yesterday so none of it would've happen.

"Harry.." I mumble and kiss his lips. He nods slowly. "I hope he wakes up. I'm sure he does, don't give up the hope." I whisper and kiss him again.

After I come home from visiting John I put on loud music in the apartment. The music fills my ears, I need a break from everything at the moment. I know it won't go away but I can still not feel it at the moment. Harry is out to shop some food for the coming week. I didn't really care at the moment, my eyelids are heavy. I should take a nap but I'm afraid if the hospital calls I won't wake up.

All of a sudden I hear Harry coming home, I run out from the bedroom to hug him. He was not prepared for this. "I love you I love you I love you." I tell him and hug him tighter, he hugs me back.

"I love you too." Harry whisper, I kiss his soft cheek. Obviously not ready for me to come as soon as he opened the door.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I've been such an idiot these last few days. Please forgive me, I love you so much." I apologize but I still feel really bad for what I've done. I've yelled at the love of my life so many times this week, I cannot forgive myself.

"It's alright, Louis. I forgive you. We both have had quite rough days this week." Harry's hand holds mine, oh god how I missed holding his hand.

"But I still feel really bad for yelling and being mad at you, I can't forgive myself. I've made you cry, I hate seeing you cry." I tell him as I look in his eyes and wrapping my arms around his neck. He gives me a I-still-love-you-look.

I help him to put away all the food in the fridge before it gets bad. As Harry said, I have to help more at home so I will. I will do anything for him.

I turn on the TV, we will just watch what's on. Too lazy to even pick out a movie to watch. I lay down in the couch, Harry does too. He rests his head on my shoulder, we both watch the documentary about England which is really boring.

I play with his hair, his beautiful long, curly hair. I give him little kisses on his head too, I keep saying 'I love you'.

"Can you braid it?" Harry asks. He never wants me to braid it.
"What?" I say in shock, he has never asked this. "Can you braid my hair? Only one big braid. Please?" Harry begs, I nod even though he can't see that I do.

I keep braiding his hair, when I'm done he thanks me and suddenly he just falls asleep. I've never been a good hairstylist but ever since Harry decided to grow out his hair, somehow I've been his number one hairstylist.

I decide to cuddle more with him and eventually I fall asleep too.

After an hour or so I wake up to Harry giggling.

"HARRY OH MY GOD!" I shout laughing, when I realise he has cut off his braid. I laugh so hard, I haven't laughed this hard in a while.

"I thought I would cut my hair a little. I mean, it was kind of long wasn't it?" He says smiling. Gosh I missed that smile.

"A little?" I ask. "Harry you barely have any hair left!" I laugh while playing with the braid he left on the table. I grab the scissors, running away from him. "I'll hide these in a place you'll never find"

I hear his laugh in the back, trying to catch me. "Get back here Lou!!" I run upstairs and right into the bedroom, falling into the bed. He lands on top of me, we both breathe heavily from running.

He kisses me over and over again. I'm so in love with him. I kiss him passionately back, I roll over him. I slightly make my hand move to his crotch. "Wow- Louis.. Oh god..." Harry gasps as I grab the outline of his cock with my right hand. I lick my lips as I remove his shirt with only one hand. I kiss him all over his chest, sucking on all four of his nipples, one at a time.

I take off my shirt and smirk. I kiss his forehead and kiss him all the way down to the crotch as I unbuckle his belt and button up his jeans. My hand moves down his boxers and his breathing becomes heavier and louder than before. He removes his boxers quickly as I remove my pants.

"Louis, fuck- fuck me, please.." he moans. I nod slowly "Turn around" I demand. He obeys, laying flat on his stomach. I grab his now short hair with my left hand as I position my dick to enter him. He moans loudly. "Fuck... Faster Lou, please.." he begs. I obey him, not only do I go faster but I go harder as well. I lay on top of him, as I thrust myself in and out of him I kiss the back of his neck and moves up behind his ear whispering how much I love him. We both moan loudly. "Cum- cum inside me Lou.." He stammers, I could feel his entire body shake in pleasure. I do as he says. "Fuck Harry. Shit... I- I", I can't finish my sentence as I cum inside of him.

"I love you." I tell him, trying to catch my breath after the sex. "I love you too." He whispers, giving me a back rub.

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