Chapter 10

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"Yeah, I... um I had to get out of there Lee." My brother said breaking down in tears
I rushed over to him and wrapped him tightly in my arms
"What happened , tell me what happened."
" I.. um I had just got in my apartment and I looked around and my.. um my favorite highlighter was missing. I couldn't take it I went off how dare they take it , they didn't even ask and it was so expensive and it's was limited edition. "

(Authors note : I don't mean highlighter like what you use in school, I mean like makeup. If you have a problem with boys wearing makeup then don't read my book anymore because I dont.)

Pushing him away I went off,
" Oliver seriously I thought something bad happened to you . Wtf man!"
" It was serious that highlighter was so expensive."

"Oliver I never wanted to slap you so hard in my life but I'll make an exception."

" Alright I know it wasn't that serious , but I seriously was bored so I came over." He said standing up and walking to my kitchen " Are you doing something tonight?"

Janet spoke up
" Yeah we're going to the club, wanna come?"

" Oh mamas you know I'm going , Leia can I borrow an outfit?"

" Yeah sure come on."

"Ooh and I'm doing your hair , cuz baby cakes ya look hurt."

"Thank you for your honesty." I said as I climbed the stairs to my room. I placed all the things I had just bought in my closet and took out an outfit for Oliver, even though I know he's going to change it because in his words, I don't have style. I took off my clothes and walked in my bathroom to take a shower. I could take as long as I want because I had another bathroom downstairs. While I was in there I shaved and washed my hair. I got out and laughed to myself as I heard Janet and Oliver arguing over what's the best cosmetics line
" It's obviously MAC." Janet said

" Oh sis clean ya eyes and ears because it's obviously NYX." Oliver argued back

Completely dismissing them I slipped on my undergarments, some lotion , deodorant the whole works and pulled out my blow dryer. My hair is naturally curly and well I wanted it straight.

" Are you guys going to get ready soon?" I asked not even looking into their direction

" Yeah,  girl what the hell you doing?" Oliver asked

"Um blow drying my hair." I answered completely confused

" Didn't I tell you I was doing your hair?" He asked as he snatched the blow dryer out my hand
"Yea, but I at least wanted it straight."
" Well I didn't but I don't have a choice, forgetful ass Llama throat donkey asshole."
I couldn't help but just crack up. Where does he find these things to say?
" Ouch." I said pretending to be hurt
" Whatever I know what I said because I was there when I said it
"He said huffing and I could hear him mumble under his breath, I'm already tired of her, had to audacity to straighten her when I didn't tell her to , ima drag her ass just watch"
Shaking my head with tears coming out of my eyes, I gasped for air. That was a much needed laugh, man I'll tell ya my brother is funny as hell
Finally calming down I sat back as he did something in my hair , so I tried to work on my makeup. It was kind of
hard trying to balance sitting still and doing my makeup. But I managed and might I say it looked good. I did a brown cut crease with gold on my lids, applied lashes and a dark red matte lipstick. My hair was finished the same time I finished my makeup and did actually look nice. It was just some simple wand curls but there was a two braids on  the top of my head going back. It looked really good.

" Oh this looks so beautiful Oli!" I exclaimed , I wish  my hair could stay like this forever!

"Thanks, I've been practicing, but let me go get dressed and we can head out." He said as he walked to my closet. I saw him pick out this black shirt , it was short sleeve and was kind of  a thin material. He just grabbed one of my black slacks and some black flats.

" Who are you trying to impress?" I asked smirking at him, because I knew that outfit would look amazing on him

" Your man." He replied smirking evilly at me before going in my bathroom to change. That little booger!

15 minutes later...................................................................................................................................

We were all finally ready to go , Janet looked amazing in this choker strapless body con dress with some lace up boots , her hair was curled like mine because Oliver did her hair too and her makeup was flawless. Finished with checking out my friend , I fed Led Zeppelin and we all go into Oliver's car. The ride to the club was filled with a lot of funny arguments between Janet and Oliver , while I sat back and thought if I would see my new boss at the club. Of course he does own it but maybe he doesn't go there everyday, maybe I just so happened to be there on the day that he checks on the club. Wow , now I'm even rambling in  my head . Every time I think about him I can't help but think about his daughter and where's her mother. Like maybe she-

" Leia!" Janet shouted as she brought me from my thoughts

" Yea what's up ?" I asked until I realized we were at the club, so I just waved her off and got out the car. We all walked straight to the front of the line since my cousin is the bouncer, but today he wasn't working.

Author's note:

I had the whole chapter typed out, it was a lot longer but my computer is acting weird and erasing parts that I wrote so I'll try again tomorrow . If you have any advice or suggestions for this problem , that would be much appreciated but anyways don't forget to vote a, comment and share

Bye beautiful people

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