3.0 (final)

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The strong wind sweeps her hair back as she studies her phone screen, confusion written all over her face. Her fingers stammer over the screen, quickly typing and pressing send, each text delivers but is not read.

She sighs and tightens the fuzzy grey blanket that she brought with her around her small shoulders just as another breeze blows past her. It's a cool night, too cool to be outside, but she likes it. She likes the way the cold breeze opens up her throat, how each breath feels deeper and more crisp, how her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as the coolness attacks her body, how peaceful the world can feel.

She turns her head to stare at Taehyung's journal that rests under a large rock so it won't blow away and into the ocean to never be seen again. She sighs, knowing she has to give it back eventually but at the same time she is too nervous to meet the boy behind the depressing words that seem to connect to her all too much. Somehow she finds herself smiling at the thought of seeing him up close, not at a distance like how she views him at the coffee shop. She can really get to meet him.

But when? When will she gain the courage to ask? She's known to have a grand lack of courage, heck, it took her twenty minutes of pacing and breathing deeply just to send him that first text... she's glad she did though, otherwise he would have jumped. She was his saviour, and he was hers.

She sighs for the billionth time as she listens to the sweet sounds of seagulls squawking, the harsh sounds of crashing waves, the smooth whistle of the mighty breeze, and the creaking of the old structure... the squeaking now starting to sound an awful lot like footsteps. She ignores everything around her and unlocks her phone and skimming through the unread texts again.

"Where did you go?" She mumbles to herself out loud... never expecting her question to be answered

"I'm right here," a deep voice says from behind her.

Her eyes widen. It can't be him, but of course it is. Who else could it be? She loosens the blanket and slowly turns around, she looks up to see a tall, slim male with light brown hair and bright eyes, he looks all too familiar to her but he hasn't seen her in his entire life.

He looks a little bit different though. His eyes aren't as lifeless, his cheeks aren't as sunken in, his lips aren't as chapped, his skin isn't as pale, and his smile--oh his smile--is unlike anything she had ever seen before. After all, this is the first time he has actually smiled in a while.

She stares at him with wide eyes as her heart pumps a hundred beats per second, she lets her grip on the blanket loosen to the point where it falls out of her hands and onto her lap, she's too distracted to notice the cold breeze beginning to attack her. The boy stares at her skepitically, eyeing her from head to toe, he subconsciously smiles at the sight making her lips part in shock.

He points to the empty spot next to her, "may I?" He asks and she quickly nods as he walks over and takes a seat next to her, his smile doesn't fade and soon a new found one appears on her face as well. He holds out his hand, the warm sun of the darkening sky creating a shadow behind his slim figure, following his every movement. She hesitantly grabs it and they shake hands.

"Hello, I'm Taehyung," he says with his calming low voice.

"Hey, Taehyung, I'm your stalker," she says goofily with a large grin on her face and he breaks out into a deep chuckle.

The atmosphere calms to a deafening silence, they stare at each other but she quickly looks away and out towards the ocean when things become unbearably awkward. The silence is broken when she feels Taehyung's body attached onto hers as he begins to hug her tightly, it doesn't take her too long to hug him back but she still remains confused.

"Thank you," he mumbles into her shoulder and she smiles and props her chin onto his shoulder. "Thank you," she mumbles back.

They don't pull away. It's not very awkward anymore. Everything seems right. Strange how they can so easily connect from simple text messages. Strange yet amazing.

"Wait, what's that?" Taehyung asks over her shoulder as she pulls away from the hug and follows the direction of his gaze. She spots the journal sitting under the rock and a wave of guilt and embarrassment washes over her. She moves the rock aside and hesitantly lifts up the journal and holds it out to him, he eyes the book like it's poison, a look she doesn't understand.

"I'm sorry I read it, I'm just a curious person. I thought it would help me and I didn't really think about your privacy. I'm so sorry, it sounds like that journal means a lot to you, I get it if you hate me but-"

She's cut off when he opens the book and begins ripping out pages, her eyes widen watching the sad words split as the papers tear into pieces. He suddenly grabs her hands and hauls her to her feet and she doesn't argue, he hands her a few pieces of crumpled paper and she studies them. Just as she looks up at him to ask what he's doing she sees him chuck a few pieces of paper into the air as they delicately float down to the deep blue waters. He laughs and cheers watching his problems--literally--drown.

She laughs loudly at the sight of the excited boy as she finally drops the blanket and begins throwing pieces of paper, some balled up, some flat, over the edge of the structure. They laugh and laugh watching them fall into the water, never to be seen again. They cuss loudly, their inner demons can't get to them anymore. They're free.

The soaked papers covered in messy writing sink into the dark waters as the two laughing teens collapse onto the wooden boards of the structure, both still laughing at nothing.

"Thank you," Taehyung repeats again, not even begining to express his total gratitude to this girl. "Thank you," she mimics and drapes the fuzzy blanket over both of their legs.

Suddenly Taehyung starts to chuckle making the girl confused. "It's funny you know," he begins and she smiles. "What?" She asks as his clam eyes bore into her soft ones.

"How this all started with messages," he says and she giggles and nods, "turns out words can be more powerful than I thought."

"Because of your words you saved me."

"And you saved me."


And that's the end!! Thanks for reading Messages, I know it was a crappy book but I just really wanted to write something quick and short so here you go. Peace.✌🏼

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