One of the Many Reasons why Mettaton is Bad

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On my way home that day, I couldn't seem to get the guy out of my head. Marcus, as he had told me his name was, seemed to cling on tight in every corner of my mind. When I got home, I decided to take a shower to get rid of the smell of fast food, and hopefully to clear my mind from Marcus' smile. I threw my clothes in the washing machine, put on some music, and got into the shower. However, the song that had come on was one of those cheesy love songs. Why did I even have that on my playlist? I wondered, as the thought of Marcus crept into my mind. I wanted to change the song, and stepped out from the shower cabin, but the floor was wet, and without the rubbery anti-slip mat that covered the floor of the shower cabin, my foot slipped. It all happened in the matter of a second, but it felt like much longer. As soon as I felt my foot slip, I grabbed the shower curtain, and held on with all my might. It might have worked if I hadn't put the shower curtain up that one night I drunkenly had decided to redecorate, because the shower curtain fell down, and along with it, the iron tube supporting it. Of course, it had to hit me in the head, and yada yada, it all ended with me lying on the floor, curled up in a ball with teary eyes, cursing the whole world. I decided that that was enough showering for now, and went directly to bed, where I, to my surprise, fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with a headache. I reached for my phone, and dialled my boss' work number. Fortunately, he picked up.

"Good morning, sunshine! What do you want now?" He said sarcastically.

"I'm not feeling so well today. I think I-" I began, but was interrupted. Of course I was.

"Oh no you don't, my friend!" I could hear the annoyance in his voice. "You get your lazy bum out of bed and get to work. Right now!" The last thing he yelled, making my headache worse and leaving a strange ringing in my ears. I felt slightly nauseous, but I managed to get up. As I was brushing my teeth, I noticed something in the mirror. There, on my forehead was a huge bump. It was all bruised and had a dark purple colour. It looked pretty serious, but I was out of vacation days, and I knew Mettaton would be as persistent and unreasonable as he always was. I'd just have to get through the day and then go to the doctor when my shift was over.

After forcing down a ham and cheese sandwich, I headed out the door. My balance was strangely off so I held on to the rail as I went down the stairs at a slower pace than usual. I was on my way down the same path I had come home yesterday, when my vision started to blur. The nausea had gotten worse, and I felt even more dizzy than I had felt a few minutes ago. In fact, my dizziness had reached the point where I could barely walk. Suddenly I felt my knees get weak, as if they were made of jelly. I could feel the acid from my stomach burn in my throat as I was overwhelmed by nausea. I was too dizzy to tell, but I think lost my balance somehow. The last thing I remember is that everything went dark.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter! The next chapters will be longer.

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