Unavngivet Kapitel 3

501 40 42

"I think he's waking up now," an unfamiliar voice said.

"Oh really? Thank you so much for seeing to him, Doc! I know you have a busy schedule!" This voice, on the other hand, I knew from somewhere.

"I think he'll be OK by himself for a while now. If you can just tell him what I told you, that'd be great. I'll get a nurse to come and check up on him later," the unfamiliar voice said. I assumed that was "Doc".

"OK! Have a nice day!" Yes, this was definitely Marcus. I slowly started to become aware of the situation. My throat was sore and I had a searing pain in my forehead, however, I was in a quiet room with just the right temperature, so that was nice. As I opened my eyes, a bright light blinded me, making my headache worse. I covered my eyes with a hand, and then I heard someone get up and walk to the other side of the room.

"How are you feeling?" I opened my eyes, this time the lights were dim enough to not hurt. Marcus was standing in front of the bed I was lying in. It looked like a hospital bed. Of course it wasn't a hospital bed, since I could never afford to go to the hospital. However, the rest of the room oddly enough looked like a hospital room.

"Where am I?" My voice was weaker than I had expected.

"The hospital. You fainted, so I -" WHAT? So this was the hospital?

"I can't afford that!" I cut him off without a second thought. Marcus smiled at me calmly and said:

"Don't worry about that. It's been taken care of."

"Taken care of!? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that I'm paying," Marcus then said. No. No, I would not allow this.

"No you're not! You- you can't! I mean... N-no! I'll pay it off over time!" I sat up abruptly, causing my head to hurt. The fact that I had raised my voice probably didn't help either.

"You just said you couldn't afford that, though," He smirked. What now? What should I say to him? I didn't want him to pay my hospital bill when I barely knew him. It wasn't his responsibility, and I didn't want to owe him.

"I won't allow that. We barely know each other! I won't allow some stranger to pay for my stupidity. Hell, you don't even know my name!" At this he smiled at me and leant closer.

"Well, what is your name, then?" He placed his hand on my chest and pushed me back into bed. Oddly enough I let him do it.

"It's Cr- No! Don't pay for me, dammit!" If I told him my name he'd probably be even harder to convince.

"Yeah, yeah. Now tell me what your name is," He smiled innocently, but I knew what he had in mind, so I didn't say anything.

"Come on, tell me!" He looked happy as always. Then he stood up.

"Well if you're not going to tell me, I guess I'll just leave."

"No, wait!" I blurted. Crap.

"So you're going to tell me?"


"Bye then! I'll probably see you around. If not... I wish you all the best in life!"

"Wait!" I had no choice but tell him. "M-my name... My name is Craig..."

"Oh!" He smiled innocently, and yet, there was something victorious over the way he looked at me. "Nice to meet you, Craig!"

"Nice to meet you too, Marcus," I mumbled.

"I'll go and pay now!" He chimed. Before I could say anything, he left. Guess I'd just have to pay him back sometime.

While Marcus was gone, a sudden wave of exhaustion flooded over me. Suddenly my eyelids felt very heavy. I guess closing them for a little while couldn't hurt.


I was woken up by the sound of the door opening. A nurse entered. I noticed that Marcus was sitting in a chair next to the bed. The nurse cleared her throat. Then she spoke. She informed me that I had concussion, AND that watching TV, listening to music, using my computer or my phone, or even reading were all to be avoided since those things could worsen my health.

"B-but, what am I supposed to do?" I asked after the nurse was done with her speech.

"I suggest you call in sick to work. The doctor can help you with the officials if that's a problem. Then maybe have your boyfriend follow you home, just in case you pass out again."

What was that? Had she just called Marcus my BOYFRIEND? I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I heard Marcus say: "Oh! We aren't a couple, madam!" I didn't want to look at him, but I could hear the smile in his voice. How awkward!

"Oh! I apologize!" The nurse was blushing as she spoke. "Oh! And- Uh, one last thing before I leave you two alone," She turned to face me and said: "I would recommend at least two months rest before going back to work."

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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