Chapter 2

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-- Chippewa National Forest, 1989 --

You rest your hand on your fist and stare out the car window, "Are we there yet Dad?" you ask for the hundredth time.  Your Dad just laughs a little and drives further into the forest, "Not yet sweetie." he replies, your Mom twists around in her seat so that she can see you,

"(YN), it's only a 30 minute drive, we'll be there soon." she scolds gently. You sigh loudly,

"I know, I'm just really excited! It's my first camping trip! I can't wait to set up the tent and roast s'mores!" you say as you start bouncing in your seat.  A dark shape darts through the trees and catches your attention.

"How long do you think it'll be before she starts complaining about the hike?" you mom whispers, you can hear her but you don't care to listen as you try to see the dark shape again.

"I'm sure she'll have fun. It's good for us to have some family time." you Dad insists, you look over in time to see your Mom frown frown little. "Aren't you a bit worried the attacks?"  Dad is quiet for a minute so you look over, finally he smiles and says, "Everything will be fine. The attacks were in a different part of the forest. We can't cancel this trip now, we're almost there!"  Attacks sound interesting, so you listen carefully but neither of your parents are saying anything. "I can hear you!! What attacks?" you demand when the silence continues. 

Mom starts to look really worried but Dad looks into the rearview mirror and smiles at you, "Oh, there have just been some reports about bears, but we'll be ok.  I won't let anything hurt you pumpkin." 

You consider this carefully, "Has anyone gotten hurt?" you ask finally  "Of course not, sweetie." Mom tries to reassure you but you're not entirely convinced.

--Nighttime, while everyone is in the tent--

You wake up suddenly, from a crash outside the tent.  You move your hands around you, searching for your flashlight but you can't find it, "Mom? Dad?" you call out when another crash sounds a little further away.  "Huh? What is it (YN)?" Dad says groggily, and your heart starts to race. "I think there's something outside the tent!" you whisper urgently.

Dad sits up, waking Mom up at the same time as the noise comes again, louder this time. "See! Is it a bear?!" you ask, still trying to whisper.  For some reason, you start wonder if it can hear you. Mom looks really scared which makes you scared too but at least Dad looks confident. He gets up and turns on his big flashlight, "Honey, stay here and be quiet okay? Annie, could you try to calm (YN) down a little?" Your Mom nods and motions for you to crawl closer to her. 

You oblige quickly and snuggle up in her arms.  Dad grabs the gun he brought with you for the trip and unzips the tent, but you see a dark shape move suddenly, "No, Daddy, don't!" you cry out, forgetting to be quiet.  A deep growl comes from outside the tent and Dad stops. Whatever is out there was right outside the tent and didn't seem like it was about to move anytime soon.

Dad backs up slowly to you and Mom then sits down and wraps his arms around both of you, "Be really quiet okay?" you nod your head but can't stop your body from shaking.

The bear outside went quiet, and everything was silent, not even crickets chirping so that you could almost hear your own heart beating. Then the zipper starts to open, seemingly on its own. Your Mom stifles a scream and Dad moves in front of both of you, aiming the gun at the door.  "Annie, take (YN) and go out the back." he says so quietly that you almost can't hear him.  The zipper continues to slip up slowly as your Mom hesitates. "George, there isn't a backdoor. What are you talking about?" she whispers back, obviously terrified.  The zipper opens a few more inches.

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