Chapter 7

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-- Mitchel Airport, Just outside of Sioux Falls South Dakota --

You sigh and heft your bag further onto your back as you walk through the makeshift walkway from the plane to the airport. Your back protests the sudden movement and you wince. Once you get into the airport you have to take a minute to reorient yourself before remembering where the exit gates are. As you walk you try to think about what you're going to tell Bobby, you certainly can't tell him that you've been hunting but you have to have some excuse for why you haven't been answering calls. Oh and then there's the nasty wound stretching down your back. I could say I was in a car accident I suppose bu there's no way he's going to believe Dean's cover story.  No way would I  be the one injured in a mugging.  you continue to muse as you walk past the security gate and towards the baggage claim.  You unconsciously scan the crowd of faces hurrying past you, but none of them pay any attention to you so you continue to the baggage claim.  Once you reach the conveyor belts you search for the one matching your flight then lean on a pillar to wait.

  Finally your bag shows up and you go to grab it, a burly hand grabs it at the same time as you.  You don't let go as you look up at the middle-aged man. He smiles kindly, "Sorry about that, just thought I'd try to help you out." You return his smile politely but then heft your bag to the ground on your own. "Thanks, but I've got it." You double check the tags and then extend the handle, but the man is still standing in front of you. He holds out his hand, "I'm Dan." you try to not flinch at the name, and shake his hand. "(YN)." you reply. "It's nice to meet you.  Are you from around here or are you just visiting?" You sigh internally, I really don't want to deal with nice strangers right now. This was a long flight, your back ached and you wanted to sleep. "I grew up here but I've been in Oregon for college.  Just back for a short visit." you hope that mentioning college will deter him as he's obviously older but he just smiles again.  "That's really cool, what did you study?" You force the smile to stay on your face and glance around, realizing that the baggage claim area had cleared out considerably.  Your heart started to beat a little faster. You weren't scared, you could take this guy down easy but it would be drag on your evening.

"I should get going, my Dad's waiting for me at home." you excuse yourself as politely as possible without answering his question and start to walk away. However you quickly realize that the man is following you.  You ignore him and walk out the entrance to wait for a cab.  He stops beside you again and you roll your eyes before turning to him with another faked smile.  "You know, my car is just over in the long-term parking, I could give you a ride and save you the cost of hiring a cabbie." he offers.  I bet you'd just love that wouldn't you?  You shake your head, "I don't mind the cab and I wouldn't want to burden you." he frowns, apparently not used to rejection. "Oh, it's not problem.  Really I insist." his voice has cooled considerably and you silently unzip the front pocket of your suitcase.  The registration and extra security checks had been a pain in the ass but now you were grateful you'd brought your handgun with you.

"I said no thanks." you say firmly and slip your fingers into the pocket.  He doesn't notice but is getting more and more nervous.  Finally, he attempts to grab your arm and force you to come with him but you swing the gun out of the pocket and slip the safety off with one hand.  He freezes and lets go of your arm. "What are you a cop?" he asks in surprise.  Your shoulder and back are seriously feeling the strain at this point but you keep a straight face. "Not exactly." you say coldly.  You consider shooting him, he's obviously a perv and would probably just try to target some other poor girl once you leave but you'd rather not have to try and explain that to the police so instead you motion him over to the wall with the gun.  He complies immediately and you dial the non-emergency line for the local police.

Half an hour later, two cruisers show up and you're seriously regretting not taking the pain meds. Two cops get out, a male and a female.  The male walks over to the man and cuffs him as you put your gun away. The woman studies you carefully, "Sheriff Jody Mills, how exactly did you manage to find this guy? I've been hunting him for months now." You frown, "He attempted to get me to go with him car, I pulled my gun and he backed down." you explain quickly. She still doesn't smile, "Do you mind my asking who you are and what you're doing here?" you sigh, you'd just helped them catch an apparently wanted criminal and still, they were questioning you.  "I'm (YN) Singer, I'm just hear to visit my Dad." That was the second time in your entire life that you had referred to Bobby as your Dad.  It had always just been Bobby.  "That figures. Well hop in, I know Bobby quite well and I'm a cheaper ride than the cabs here." she says with a slight smile.  She knows Bobby? Hmm... you think to yourself as you think about her small smile.  Maybe Bobby was keeping secrets too.

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