Broken by a Kiss

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Let me introduce myself, my name is Jessica Bolton and im 16 years old. I have brown hair and green eyes. Im normal, nothing special, im just me.Both my brothers died because of cancer. Tommy was the first to pass away, i was 4 years old at the time. Nathan only died last year after months of battling  Luchemia. Me, well im the only Bolton child who will escape the grasp of cancer. I unlike my 2 brothers will be finishing Kemo by the end of the week, by the end of this week i will be cancer free.

i know the hospital like the back of my hands, from the reception desk i take 2 lefts and a right. My chair is the last on the left. Suzzie  greets me with a warm  smile as i pass her, her golden hair tied in a tight knot sitting on her head. Ive dreamed about this day, the day i would be able to walk down the halls and know that i wasnt on the verge of death.

Nomatter how many years i had been coming here the smell of disinfectant that greeted me in the halls still caused a frown to appear on my face.Not 5 minutes after my treatment had began i was already feeling the nauseia settling over me. As quick as i could my hand shot out to grab a plastic bucket as i heaved my breakfast up.

i felt a hand stroking my hair as i continued to throw chunks into the bucket but i didnt need to turn around to know who it was. It was the same person who had come every single day since we had met. ' Hey Jason" i murrmed realising that the vommiting was ceasing for a little whie atleast. "hey" he whispered back as i sat up smiling at him. " so how are you" i asked. and with that jason went on for almost an hour about everything that had happened during school."and ohh you should have seen his face Jess, it was classic" he let out a hearty laugh as e turned to look out the window.

" so i heard this is your last treatment" he replied a smile playing on his lips. " you heard that from me you dumbass" i replied curtly. as Jase took in my comment a light blush spread over his freckled cheeks. " so have you talked to your parents about coming to school" he asked a curious glint in his eyes. " yeah, im starting in 4 week" i replied knowing how happy Jase would be.

You see not only was Jase my best friend but he was like a brother to me. Jase had also had cancer, which was actually where i meet himm. He had been free from cancer for 3 years but that didnt stop him coming in here to support me for bascally every treatment. he had been with me when i laughed, when i cried and yes even when i spewed my guts out. Unlike me Jase had lost all his hair during his treatment which had now grown back in a dark brown colour. His eyes were the lightest sea blue you would ever believe and his skin the sort of olive that, well just very olive.

" JEESSSSSSSSSSSSS, your what, 4 weeks ohh i cant wait" he screamed. I giggled as he continued on" ohh your going to love highschool its so amazing, you really will. i can introduce you to all my friends, i can show" jases excited babling was stopped in its tracks  as my mother entered the room followed by Suzzie. As mum got closer i realised she was cryig." is everything alright mum"? i asked as i started to worry. " everythings fine love, your cancers gone its time to go home" by the end of the sentance mum was wailing as she grabbed poor suzie and pulled her into a back breaking hug.

 that was it, as i walked out of the hospital with Jase at one side and My mother on the other i knew i was going to be alright. Nothing could be as hard as facing cancer, nothing. It was time for me to begin living a normal teenage life, it was time for me to start highschool.



Hey guys please atleast read the next 2 chapters before chucking in the book :) it will get way better i promise, Just needed to do a bit of a background to the story first.

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