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As I looked in the mirror I smiled. I had been up almost the whole night deciding what I was going to wear and as I looked in the mirror I realized I had got it right. I wore a crème dress which was tight at my waist then flowed out to just above me knee, my new black converse chucks and a bangle on my left wrist. I had spent almost an hour trying to control my bush of hair and had settled on loose curls which came to a stop just before my bellybutton.

Just as I pulled into the mall carpark I heard my phone begin to buzz. As I picked it up my eyes double blinked, not believing it could be Josh who was calling me. I took a deep breath which did nothing for my racing heart as I answered the phone. "hey" I said cringing at how high my voice had been. " Hey " he replied just as my stomach started to do this weird tumbling thing." So are you still coming" as he spoke again I looked down at the time. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT I was late and no not 5 minutes late I was almost an hour late. I yelled something about being two seconds as I hung up the phone and began running up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator.

As I neared them I suddenly felt self conscious. Almost everyone in our group was here, apart from Jase who had some family thing he supposedly had to be at. They all looked like hot gods and goddesses.My thoughts were cut short as I got closer and Paul recognized me. "Hey" he yelled out, which in turn caused everyone else to glance my way.I breathed a sigh of relief as I was greeted not by sneers and snarky remarks but instead by smiles and waves.

Aimee pulled out a chair as I sat down and began explaining how I hadn't even realized the time. By the end of the story they were all laughing explaining that it was probably the stopping at MacDonald's and the QUICK glance at the clothes shop down the road that caused me to be late. I had to agree with them.

After we had all watched our movie most people had scooted off, either to suck the faces of their boyfriends or claiming they had last minute assignments due. As I looked around I realized there were only three people left. A guy called Harry, me and yes Josh.

"Well" Harry said with a cough making me Jump. " I better be off" he continued whilst winking at Josh. I shot a confused glance Harry's way as he laughed and waved over his back at me.

My heart began pumping faster as Josh moved to sit in the seat next to me. Just as I was about to faint of high blood pressure Josh asked me the most unusual question " So Jess, do you like ice cream?" My eyes lit up before I could pretend like I didn't. Josh laughed as he stood up and held out his hand " well if it's icecream you like,it's ice cream your getting"

As I looks around I almost felt the need to punch myself.I was sitting at the cutest ice cream parlour in the world yabbering on to the cutest boy in the world about how I thought it was wrong that there was a mean girls 2 made. Before you ask, no I wasn't boring Josh, I fact he seemed so interested and amused in everything I said that it made me feel extremely confident in myself.

As I finished talking about something or a rather I felt a warm hand on top of mine. I looked up to find a blushing Josh looking sheepishly at his ice cream. "I just, you looked so pretty sitting there talking, I couldn't help it"

Now it was my turn to blush as he continued to speak."You're amazing Jess, ever since I met you I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. This must sound silly because I hardly know you but you really are special Jess and well I was just wondering if you wanted to catch a movie sometime. You know just the two of us"

As I looked from our untwined hands to his incredibly cute an sheepish face I couldn't help the huge smile that spread over my face." I would love that" I relied, surprising myself with how confident I sounded.

As we went back to eating our ice cream and making jokes neither of us moved our hands from on the table, and it wasn't till we left that either of us did.


Hey I hoped you liked it, I thought the whole icecream parlour thing was so cute hehe.

The only thing is what will Jase think of Jesses new love and why oh why was he so angry about it?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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