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You were on the beach sitting on the dry sand. You would always do this on Saturdays.

So, it wasn't anything new to you.

You looked up at the sky, surprised to see it cloudy and dark.

It wasn't usually like this in beach city in the summer.

This was special.

You smiled to yourself until you felt hard drops fall into your soft (s/c) skin.

You stood up and dusted the sand off of you.

You were surprised when it started to pour, thinking it was only going to drizzle.

You mumbled a curse and ran to your home.

Once you were there, you took off your Navy blue flip flops and slumped your way to your room.

You realized you kept your room light on for over 3 hours.

You groaned and turned it off, putting your other artsy bed lights on.

They were on the bars of your bed, making matters hard for you.

You then reach for them, cracking a few joints [no not those joints] while you were at it.

You took out your laptop and sat on your white king sized bed, and caught up on the tumblr page "Keep Beach City Weird".

You were calm an subtle. Until, You heard someone or something bang on your front door.

Someone/something was eager to get in.

Petrified, you wouldn't move a muscle.

The only thing that was heard is your heartbeat and your calm breaths.

With a slam the door opened and the being walked in.

They walked into your hallway and went into your bathroom.

You stood up and walked to your room door silently opening it without it creaking.

You made your way out without being caught.

You caught a glimpse of what it looked like.

It was really tall and buff, it looked like it could crush you with its hands. It's skin was and orange cream Color.

It creeped you out

It had what looked like tiger stripes imprinted into its skin.

It also had white hair, and a skin tight Orange and black body suit with black boots.

You put your back to the wall and inched out of the hall little by little.

You somewhat heard it turn around and you ran. Going full speed to your phone, you quickly dialed 911.

Just before you could call, they picked you up by your neck and looked at you.

Too good for me {SU fanfic} [Jasper X reader]Where stories live. Discover now