Diabolik Lovers- Subaru x Reader

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A request ^_^

This is one of my first requests, since I haven't had many. Hope you all enjoy!


You approach the staircase to the roof, eager to catch some well-deserved fresh air. It's been a while since you've been outside. It isn't always easy, you know. Ever since you've stumbled along this place, completely by accident, things in your life have taken a serious turn. All you wanted was shelter from the rain... But then you HAD to go exploring.

What else were you to do while waiting? That guy, Reiji, was taking forever. Bring you a cup of tea, he said... It would only be a moment, he said... Right. Now look where you are. Basically, you're a prisoner in the place you asked to take refuge in. not only were you fundamentally kidnapped, but you later realized that everybody within the mansion were vampires! Well...there was a blonde haired girl you irregularly saw. She didn't look like a vampire.

Though, despite all this, you had to admit that there was irony in the course of events.

The outdoors was cold, since it was hardly sunrise. The roof gave you no shelter from the wind, even if it didn't bother you. You enjoyed the feeling of the wind through your (long/short) (hair color) hair. It relaxed you.

You take a deep breath in, and look at the scenery before your eyes. It truly is beautiful.

To get a better look, you approach the ledge of the flat roof. Unafraid of heights, you went as far as standing as close to the end as you could get- without falling, naturally.

The idea that you were standing on the thin line, between life and death, gave you an amount of thrill. The feeling shot up your spine, sending goosebumps throughout your body.

"Oi! What are you doing?"

You turn and see one of your captives. It was the anger-prone, Albino, named Subaru. At the moment, he didn't look the happiest. Then again, when did he look completely happy?

He briskly approached you, seizing your arm tightly. With a yank, he pulled you away from the roof's ledge.

"Why would you do something like that?! Do you have a death wish?" He looks you in the eyes, his bright red corneas burning into yours. A long frown, or perhaps a sharp scowl, formed across his face when you don't answer immediately. "Do you?!"

Taken back by the sudden yelling, you wince. "N-no!"

"Then why? Are we that unbearable for you?!"

"No!" You try to yank your arm free, but his grip only tightens. "Subaru! Ow, you're hurting!"

He lets you go in a less than gentle way, and scoffs. He turns away like he was planning to leave, but you catch the back of his shredded-style shirt. When feeling such a tug, he stops moving.

"I didn't mean to upset you," you say, "I..."

His head moves to look at you from the corner of his eye. He waits for you to spit it out, although Subaru still looked livid.

"I just wanted to see the sunrise..."

"The sunrise," he parrots. He gives the horizon a quick look. Subaru's eyes squint on contact, forcing him to look the other way. "Eh, why would you want to look at the sunrise?"

Wait, you thought. Hasn't he ever seen the sunrise?

You gnaw on your lower lip with anxiety. Your (colored) eyes look from the ground back at Subaru, before averting once again.

"Y-you could stay and see it too, if you want."

His brows furrow, coming together to almost shape a una-brow. Not sure if he heard you correctly, you raise your voice over the wind:

"You could stay-"

"I heard what you said," Subaru interrupts, "What makes you think I want to do that? What makes you think I'm interested in something like that?"

You let out a small sigh. Casting your eyes to the sunrise again, you can see the stars beginning to fade in the sky.

"I don't know. It's just a thought."

A brief moment of quiet enters the air. The two of you stand there silently, until you feel Subaru's hand reach down to yours.

Surprised, to say the least, you were about to panic. After all, he never touched you without aggression. That didn't mean he hit you! He never hit you, or physically abused you. He was simply a rough person; didn't know the limitations of his strength very well.

"...Is your arm alright?" Subaru asks this in a huff. The sound was kind of uneasy on the ears, but not cringy.

"Its fine, Subaru-kun."

As if to say he didn't believe you, he flips your hand so the back is against his palm. Using his other hand, his fingertips gingerly trace your veins. Then, he leans down, placing a soft kiss against the same place he caressed.


"Don't. You'll ruin the moment by saying something stupid."

Subaru tilts your hand so it's sideways, and grazes his lips across your thumb. They lower to the meatier part of your thumb- the base, you suppose- and suddenly part. Fangs bare, they begin to press down, eventually breaking the skin.

You gasp, trapped between both pain and pleasure. You weren't sure which one to feel; the feeling of the bite, or Subaru's lips.

Blood drips down your (color) skin, and small red tear-like drops fall on the rooftop. It's gradual- not coming down in a stream of blood. If you were a little more confused, perhaps you'd describe the color of the droplets as elegant.

"You aren't going to fight me?" Subaru hardly parts from your red-smeared skin while speaking.

"Should I?"

"...No..." His eyes make their way to yours, "Don't ever fight me."

A blush forms across your nose and cheeks. All you can do is nod.

Just then, a thought had entered your mind. Motioning your head to the direction of the sunrise, you smile widely.

Subaru follows your gaze, his eyes squinting to the point to where they were virtually closed. Gradually, they open to regular size, and he looks at the sun with you.

"It's beautiful, right?" You grin, your words absentmindedly leaving your lips. Even now, you hadn't noticed you said anything, until Subaru gives his famous scoff.

"Tolerable... But, I suppose...if you're here...it isn't so bad."

Those words never catch your ears, due to a strong gust of wind. However, when you feel Subaru's arms wrap around your waist from behind...

"(Y/N), lay down."

You turn your head to give him an odd look, but unpredictably, meet with his half smile.

"Remember what I told you. Don't ever fight me." He leans closer, his lips now inches from yours. "Lay down...on your back."

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