Chapter 1.

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As I walked down the street I saw two boys rapping. One was rapping to super bass and the other was rapping to panda by desiigner. I ripped my eyes at the one who was singing super bass because they were horrible but the one singing panda was amazing. I actually enjoyed a rap battle for once. "Aye, what you doing here?" A random boy said, looking at me. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Gets away little girl. This may be to extreme for you to handle." The boy singing super bass said. "Wow, I didn't know hearing some sing horrible would be extreme? It's more like ear peircing to me." I barked, fake smiling. "Ohhhh." The crowd went. "Shut up." The boy said. The other boy, who was singing panda looked at me with a smile on his face. I have him look that made him look away. Serves him right.


I know, shot chapter but trust me, they will get longer. Just when I have time to type them up on note pad on my kindle then write them o my phone. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Please comment on this story, I would really appreciate it. Btw updates will be slow because it's summer and my school computer is at school getting repaired so yeah.

~August ✌❤️✌️

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