Yander Mikasa x Male Reader (Attack on Titan)

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A/N: I'm not gonna add you to any of the corps so you won't end up a corpse, yet

Mikasa POV
"We're finally returning back to town, I can finally see (Y/N) again and this time... I'll make aure I confess to him" I thought to myself as we enter to the town on our horses and I immediately noticed (Y/N) among the citizens looking at us, it made me halpy to see him so early
"Hey... Mikasa... After this, is it okay with you if we go out for a little bit? Just us, together" I heard Eren ask as he tried to hide his embarrassment but fails on doing so
"No" I plainly said to him, surprising him
"Bu-" He tried to reason but I cut him short on his words
"I have plans for today Eren" I seriously said to him as he looked down, depressed at his rejection
"Oh, I see... Sorry to have bothered you then..." He said, as he remained silent until we got back to base and I rushed out to meet with (Y/N) at his house
"Hey there Mikasa, any plans for today?" He said with the bright smile I always adored
"How we just spend time at your house? It's been quite some since I've been there and I want to talk to you about something" I said as I tried my best keep my poker face on, trying to hold back my greedy desires to show up early
"Well, okay then, do come in and please leace you're boots at the doorstep" He said as I followed, then we went to the living room, all according to plan
"Wait here for a moment, I'll go make tea" He said as he went to the kitchen while I just sat on his couch and waited for him
"Done, here you go" He said with a smile, he was always proud of the things he made
"Ah, thanks" I said to him, and took a sip, it was delicious then I placed the cup down and stared him, his luscious body, his beautiful (E/C) orbs, his amazing (H/L) (H/C)
"Hm? Anything wrong, Mikasa?" He asked as he raised his eyerbrow at me
"No, there's nothing wrong" I reassured him as he looked at me, confused
"I... See...? So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked as he took a sip of the tea he made
"W- well... I- I like you, and I want to be your girlfriend" I stuttered while he was trying to decipher what I said but realized it soon after
"R- really? I- I also like you, I just never thought you'd feel the same way" He said to me with a blush
"So, that makes us a couple now, right?" I asked him
"Y- yeah, I guess so" He said, still feeling embarassed at what he had just said

Timeskip to next week
"(Y/N)... Who were you talking to... Earlier?" I asked him, holding back my desire to strangle him to death in his bedroom as I cornered him unto his bed, with me beside him and him backed up the the wall
"S- she was my childhood friend back when that huge titan didn't destroy the wall" He said to me
"Then what were you two talking about?" I asked him, he was surprised that I still wasn't backing down
"W- we were talking about t- the g- good old times, yeah, we were talking about the good old times" He stuttered, I can feel that he's hiding something from me, I don't like it when he hides something from me
"Really now? Then why were you blushing when you were talking to her? Why did prolong your conversation? Why didn't you rush to me when you saw me? And most of all, why did you say 'I. Love. You' to her?" I questioned him, he couldn't answer a single one
"Uh, I uh, I" He tried to find an excuse but I wasn't going to let him
"You're secretly going out with her, aren't you?" I asked him while looking straight in the eye, his shocked faces tell it all now
"I see now, I get the situation" I said to him with blamk eyes, at this point I no longer cared, I don't want him to be taken from me and so I did what I thought was for the best, I strangled him, doing my best to not make him take off my grip with him thrashing around and trying to gasp for breath, after a minute or so, he stopped with no signs of life in his eyes, I did it, I killed him and now nobody can take him from me

A/N: This was good on my opinion, I don't really now, thanks for reading guys

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