A long life a short end

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My name is Doctor. Not Doctor whooves. A lot of ponies confuse me for the pony who plays the 10th doctor whooves. I may not be Doctor whooves but we have a lot in common. I have been cursed with immortality well technically long lasting life. I also seem to carry a curse of bringing bad luck and death with me where ever I go. Everypony I have ever cared about is dead. Well except for two ponies. It was a vices cycle of sadness and disappointment. Until I meant a very special pony.
Now you have to understand I made a promise to myself years ago that I would never get close to any pony. But we all know that the only reason I'm writing this is because of course I broke that promise. A long while ago I moved to the sleepy little town called Ponyville. A town where everypony knew everypony. And a new pony was the talk of the town for weeks. It was a change of pace sense I had been living in Canterlot for a while so leaving for the small town made sense to me. A new quite place great to research time travel without raising suspicions. When I got their a bright pink pony by the name of Pinkie pie greeted and showed me around town. From town land marks such as sweet Apple archers to the golden oaks library. It used to be a town exclusively inhabited by earth ponies and you could tell by their traditions. Which was good news for an earth pony such as myself. But by the time I had processed the thought, Pinkie pie ended the neck snappingly fast tour at the town's bakery, Sugar Cube Corner. That's when I met her. A grey pegasus mare with a blond mane. Her name is Derpy. I still don't know what it was about her that made me realize that she was going to change my life. But she did and I'm forever greatest to her. She said hello to me before leaving with a basket of muffins. Pinkie told me who she was and that she was the mail mare for part of the town. I hadn't realized how lonely I had been till I started to talk to pinkie. She asked the usual questions like where I was from and why I moved to Ponyville. It was actually pretty nice to talk to another pony after years of never even knowing my neighbors. After I was done talking to Pinkie I went outside and walked around the town. I was greeted with a friendly hello by almost everypony I came across. It was weird to me that they were so nice. But then again I had just left a big city.
It was sunset by the time I got home that day. I was greeted by a small purple unicorn with a fumiualry basket of muffins. She told me her name was Dinky and that she was the daughter of my next door neighbor. Well adopted daughter. Before I got the chance to ask who my neighbor was, I found that Dinky was a rather curious pony. she talked till the time her mother came to get her and by then she had asked me about a million questions. Well if we want to be more accurate it was about one hundred and three questions. Anyway Derpy came over to get dinky. Derpy has a kind and sweet smile. The kind that is lost to most city ponies.
A few moments went by of silence before Derpy introduced herself and apologize for Dinky being so noisy. I told her not to worry about it. Then she left. I walked into my house. It was just big enough for one pony. Which at the time was fine by me. I unpacked the few things I owned. I never traveled with to much especially sense most of my inventions didn't work.
I had been in town for almost a month I hadn't really talked to anypony. Well except for Derpy and Dinky. Derpy and I had become not to good but still friends. Derpy would invite me over to her house after she was done with work for tea and muffins from time to time. She is a great baker by the way. Dinky was a polite young pony with lots and lots of energy. She was at school most days I came over but the days she wasn't I was prepared to answer as many questions as I thought a filly could ask. Even so sometimes she asked a question that caught me off guard. As Derpy and I became better friends somethings about my past would slip out from time to time. There comes a point in some friendships where the two ponies try to figure out weather they should be friends or something more. When it came to that point in Derpy and I's friendship I thought that I thought I should tell her about my curse. I told her that I was born with a rare birth defect and that my parents research a spell to try and save me, but they ended up cursing me with longevity. I didn't tell her how long that was but I guess she could figure it out when I was talking after Princess Luna returned. I thought it would ruin things between us but it only seemed to make things stronger. So I promised that as long as it wouldn't put her in danger I would be honest with her. Somethings I told her I thought she would run but she tried her best to understand. And everything was perfect and quite. I felt normal, no I felt happy. I forgot about my curse for years that well Derpy and I where dating and married before we knew it. I have had happiness before but not for as long as this lasted. Years of joy and love and happiness. We traveled and star gazed and went to visit Canterlot and Manehatten and Dinky did really well in school and I couldn't have been happier. But one Dinky started feel ill, I was waiting for the day some thing would change that happiness to grief and sorrow. Derpy knew that for some reason trouble always followed me. We just didn't expect for things to happen the way they did. Just when I thought Dinky was getting better she started getting really sick. A rare disease that only affected unicorns took Dinky. Derpy and i where devised. Dinky had become like a daughter to me. She fought so hard to live but a lass the disease took her. The house was quite and dark and sad. I know a house can't be sad but there was a sadness always lingering in the air. Derpy and I weren't the only ones affected. All of Ponyville grieved with us. Everypony knew who Dinky was. Dinky's marefriend went to the funeral and wasn't seen again till months later.

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