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Six months later and I actually couldn't be happier, yes I'm still sad that Cameron and I are divorced and I know that I will always love him and he will always love me. We're on good terms now, we talk and since we still have the same friends we hang out often. It was awkward at first, not only for us but also for our friends.

Today it's Cameron's weekend and the kids are almost ready to go. "Mommy?" Sidney asks. "Yes sweetie?" "Are you staying again for a little while? I like being with you and daddy". "If daddy is okay with it I'll stay for a while". I say. I sometimes stay at Cameron's for a little while when I bring the kids and he sometimes stays when he brings them back. I'm happy we aren't in a place where we hate each other and talk trash about each other to our children.

It's ten minutes later and we really need to go or we'll be late. "Are you guys ready?" I ask. They come downstairs and they're dressed.

I park the car and we get out, we walk to Cameron's door and I let Sidney ring the bell. Soon the door opens and I see Sierra in the door opening. I haven't seen her in a while. "Hey Hayley". Sierra says, smiling at me. "Hey". The kids run inside while I stand there. "Do you want to come inside?" Sierra asks. "Okay". I say and I walk inside. "We were baking cookies". Sierra says.

"Hey Nate, hey Sid". I hear Cameron's voice saying. He walks in the living room with Sidney on his back and holding Nate's hand. "Hey Hayley". Cameron says, giving me a smile. I smile back. "Do you guys want cookies?" Cameron asks and they both cheer. They love cookies. "Do you also want cookies? We have enough, you can stay. Only if you want to". Cameron says. "I'll stay". And the moment I say that Sidney smiles.

"Daddy? Are you and mommy gonna be together again?" Sidney asks. Cameron looks at me and says: "I don't think so, we've been through a lot and I made some bad mistakes that both of you should never make". Sidney looks sad and Cameron notices it too. "But, mommy and daddy are friends again so maybe we can do something together sometime". And he looks at me. "Yeah maybe we can. When we both have time and we'll let you chose". I say. Sidney looks happier both I know that deep down, she's sad that mommy and daddy aren't together. She may be 6 right now, her birthday was last week, but she's a very smart kid just as her brother.

A week after we said that, Sidney and Nate came up with the idea of going to the zoo so we went to the zoo. And now we go somewhere with just the four of us every two months. One day, only the four of us and no one else.

I'm happy my life turned out like this. The kids are happy, I'm happy, Cameron is happy.

Cameron and I have contact, we send each other photos of the kids and small talk.

I'm not dating someone else at the moment since I'm still not completely over Cameron.

I don't know if Cameron is dating someone else but I don't think so, if he did he would've introduced her already to the kids.

My life isn't how I imagined it to be, but I couldn't ask for a better outcome with this divorce.

So this was the end and I hope you guys liked it

Love you

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