My High School Tutor!

390 9 55

Pairing: Gumi x Rin

Requested by @ShiroNeko5192

Sorry that it's really short and has a pretty bad plot. I was tired.
~Rin's POV~

I turned the corner of the hallway, headed toward the library.

"Ugh...." I groaned softly, holding my books close to my chest. "One F and I have to get a tutor.... I was so close, too...." I shook my head and walked inside the library and took a seat at one of the nearby tables. I laid my books out in front of me and began to lazily study the text while waiting for my tutor to show up.

After a while, someone tapped my shoulder. "Um, are you Kagamine Rin...?"

I looked up from where I was sitting to see a girl with bright green eyes and the same color hair. She was holding a few books to her chest, looking a bit nervous. I nodded slowly and opened my mouth to speak. "Yeah, I'm Kagamine Rin. Just call me Rin."

"Alright...." The girl sat down next to me and began to open set out her books. "You said...English was what you were having trouble with, correct...?"

I nodded. "I don't really understand how the sentences are constructed together, and it doesn't help that punctuation is part of it...."

"Alright. I'm getting an A in English, so I'll be able to help easily."

'Is she bragging or just being oblivious?!' I thought, sighing mentally.

"Th-thank you...." I bowed my head and the girl smiled at me, waving her hand.

"It's no problem at all." She opened up her books and started speaking. "So the sentence here...." She suddenly faded out, flinching violently. "Ah, I'm so sorry...! I haven't introduced myself...! I'm Megpoid Gumi. Just call me Gumi...." She laughed a bit awkwardly and her posture stiffened as well.

"Nice to meet you Gumi. It's not a problem at all." I nodded and smiled reassuringly at Gumi.

"T-thank goodness...." Gumi sighed heavily, obviously relieved. Her posture also became more relaxed as she then continued to teach me about how to correctly write in English.

...And she gave me a worksheet.

"What...? Seriously...?" I groaned softly as I took the worksheet from her and laid it out in front of me. On the paper were a bunch of Japanese sentences, along with instructions on the top which read: 'Translate to English'.

I huffed softly, Gumi smiling happily as she watched me work, commenting on how I was doing and making small talk as well. I was a bit embarrassed knowing how terrible my handwriting in English was, but luckily she didn't say anything about it.

"Aaah, finally done...!" I exhaled dramatically as leaned back in my chair, gripping onto my wrist. It hurt like hell after all that writing....

"Good job!" Gumi praised me, takin the worksheet and looking it over. "All good, except.... This one here should be: 'The dog and I' not 'I and the dog'."

I pouted, grumbling under my breath as she apologetically handed the worksheet back to me. I worked quickly to fix the error, and then promptly handed the sheet back to her.

"Good! Alright, you're all set."

'Really? That was it? Something in me doesn't want to leave Gumi.... I want to stay with her longer.... Something about her is drawing me in.... She was really kind, and honestly, I'm interested in her.... Maybe she'll tell me more about herself tomorrow...?'

I looked up at Gumi, who had gathered her books and was now heading away. "Wait—!" I quickly covered my mouth after I had shouted at her. This was a library after all....

"Y-yes...?" Gumi asked, smiling nervously. "What is it, Rin...?"

"U-Um, you'll...tell me more about yourself tomorrow, right...?" Well, I sure screwed that up. That totally doesn't sound strange at all. Nice job, Rin.

Gumi just smiled warmly. "Of course."

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