Work is Hard

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You groaned and leaned your head back. "What's wrong?" Dark asked out of concern.

"I'm fine. I'm just under a lot of stress, don't worry about it."

He nodded and stared at his feet. "Is this all you do all day?"

"Yup!" you said, emphasising the p at the end.

He groaned, obviously bored. You pointed accusingly at him. "Hey, no complaining! You said you wanted to come with me, so this is what you get."

To your relief, he immediately shut up and continued twisting in his seat. For several minutes, both of you were severely quiet. "What time do we get to go home?"

You groaned and dropped your head to your desk.

He smiled a little and scooted his chair closer to yours. You looked at him skeptically. "What?" He asks innocently.

You sigh and turn your eyes back to your work. He casually lays his head on your shoulder. You look at him again. "What?" He asks again, nuzzling into your shoulder more.

"Really..." You say.

"Am I bothering you?" He asks, yawning a little.

"Well, I guess not, but..."

"See." He says, yawning again.

"Dark... "

"Fiiinee..." He complains, before lifting his head off your shoulder.

"Thank you."

He scoots his chair even closer. "What are you doing?"


You sigh, slightly annoyed, and roll your eyes. There was a couple minutes of peace before...

"Dark!" You screech, he only laughs. He had picked you up and put you on his lap, setting his chin on your shoulder. He giggles again, and you sigh, giving up any and all hope of being left alone. He fell asleep on your shoulder, making it practically illegal for you to move because of how adorable it was. Therefore, you proceeded to stay like that for the rest of the day, only waking him up when it was time to leave.

You slammed the door behind you, causing Dark to jump. Mark lifted his head. "Hey guys, how was work?"

You dropped your shoes and groaned loudly. "Kill me now."

He chuckled. "That bad?"

You simply nodded. His face fell and he glared at Dark. "What did you do?"

"He didn't do anything, today was just stressful," you grumbled as you headed upstairs. "I'm gonna go take a nap."

You start making your way up the stairs when Mark questions Dark again. "No, seriously, what did you do?" He growls, taking a step closer to him.

"All I did was fall asleep..." Dark defends himself.

"Yeah, on me." You say, stopping a second to turn back and look at them.

Then you continue up the stairs and enter your room, shutting the door behind yourself. Mark laughed. Dark frowned a little before crossing his arms and sitting in the couch. Mark observed his almost childlike behavior and smiled. Maybe Dark wouldn't be that bad after all.


Another chapter!!! We are on a role. Well, kinda but whatever. (You just don't know it XD -A) And isn't Dark a cutie? He so freaking adorable!!! (:3 -A) Sorry. Um... anyway, hopes you liked this update and see you later!

All in all, Buh-Bye!
Peace! -A

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