Brodmila-Ch 1

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This is for you! Lejleii_V_Lover  only for you because I love you soooo muchhhh❤️❤️❤️❤️
It may not be that good but anyways, enjoy😘😘😘

Camila's POV

I'm suffering!

Me and my best friend, Francesca are fighting over the same guy... Broduey.

I can say that name for a whole day...

He's the new student that came from Brazil...He's so handsome and talented...

So now I'm at the studio practicing for the mini show that we're gonna have next week, but I can't concentrate, my mind is always on him...

-"Hey"- I heard a deep voice.

-"Broduey!"-I said nervously.

-"I can see that you can't practice, do you need help?"- he asked sweetly.

-"Sure"-I said smiling.

He started playing the piano, I sat next to him and stared in his eyes while he was playing...

-"Camila, Hello!"-he said waving his hands in front of my face.

-"Sorry, I got distracted"-I said sadly.

-"Is that distraction me?"-He asked while leaning in...

I leaned in,too...

Maybe this was my chance to be with him...

His lips were about to touch mine, but someone fake coughed...

It was Francesca...

I'm in a deep trouble!

-"F-Francesca!"-I shouted, because she left.

-"Go after her"-Broduey said.



"Francesca,wait"-I shouted.

-"What?!"-She said angrily.

-"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it anymore, I love the guy!"- I said tearing up.

-"Camila, you know that I have feelings for him,too. Why did you betray your best friend?!"- she said.

-"I'm really sorry. I will go and tell him now that we can't be togeth..."- she cut me off.

-"No! I think that you deserve him. Don't worry, I will find my guy"-Fran said smiling.

-"Thanks Fran. Now I should get going to talk with Broduey about that kiss we almost had. I hope he didn't forget"- I said laughing.

-"Yeah, go and find him before he gets lost somewhere"-She said laughing.

-"See ya"

-"Good luck"- She shouted behind me.

Broduey's POV

I almost kissed her!

I couldn't keep it inside anymore...

I love her...

Sometimes I feel that Camila and Fran fight over me, but honestly, I like Camila. I like Francesca as a friend...

*Time Skip*

It's almost time for us to get on the stage, and till now Cami ignored me... That kiss changed our relationship. Now we're not even talking to each other...

Camila's POV

Since we kissed, I didn't have the guts to talk to Broduey, so I ignored him all this time.

Today is a big day for the studio, as we lost money, so we're doing this show to collect money and continue with our studies, or they will close the studio, so I won't let anything to destroy this day as we need to do our best...

Broduey and I have a duet, so I will try to act normal while we sing...

*Time Skip*

It's time to get on the stage...

We haven't practiced the song, since I ignored him. I'm so nervous, I hope this goes well...

-"Good luck"-Broduey told me.

-"Thanks, you too"-I answered back.

We got on stage and I looked at him...

I can do this...

The music started playing...

I started singing, and he was smiling at me...

All the nervousness went away as I looked into his eyes...

We're singing the chorus together and I feel butterflies in my stomach...

The song ended,suddenly he came up to me and kissed me...

I was shocked but I kissed him back...

I heard the crowd going wild and clapping loudly...

-"Broduey, sorry I ignored you"- I said smiling.

-"And I'm sorry I didn't come and talk to you"- He said smiling back.

-"I love you"-he said

-"And I love you, too"


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