♡Chapter 6. Good vs Evil♡

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(Starfire and Raven's POV)
"Friend Raven I'm scared about the whole thing about Slade and stuff." Starfire says to Raven.

"I know you are but we will stay alive I promise you Star." Raven says.

"But what if we never live after this nightmare is over?" Starfire worries.

"Starfire if you don't stop worrying about it we will live. Every one will stay alive okay." Raven explains.

Starfire then starts crying about something. I sensed she was talking about if she loses Robin.

"You were talking about Robin weren't you?" Raven asks.

Starfire nods.

"This is our last fight with the Slade and I don't want anything to happen to this world. I love Robin but I shouldn't hurt him. All or nothing is all we got for this battle between us and Slade." Starfire replies.

"But I know your afraid of Slade but I'm not going to let anyone rule our city. Star fight for Robin give Slade all you got." Raven encourages me.

"Thanks friend Raven I will keep fighting for Robin and for my life." Star smiles and hugs me.

"Now go tell Robin that the fight between Slade and us is on. Tell him you love him before we leave the building. I know your scared to leave him behind but it's our turn to get revenge now. Don't worry Star we will leave tomorrow morning and set our way to battle Slade." Raven says smiling.

"Oh okay then I'll see you later in the morning I guess. Good night then Raven." Starfire says leaving the room.

(Robin's POV)
"Star I won't let you battle alone with Raven. Slade will kill you Star I couldn't let you go it's too dangerous." I told Starfire.

"Robin you gotta let me go I have to leave you behind and fight Slade. If I don't you won't ever live again." Star says.

"Star is right Robin if you come along with them you die Robin Raven and Starfire must come be themselves. I'm sorry I had to do this but it's your call." I heard Slade's voice.

"Robin please stay safe I'll always love you. Let me to fight with Raven to save the world." Star says begging me.

"But Star I don't want to lose you please don't go." Robin says placing his hand on my cheek.

"Robin I...think about it." Starfire says.

"Sleep with me tonight Star we need to talk about something rather important." I told her.

"Okay I will." Star says staring at me.

She takes my hand and we walked in my room and we laid down. I ran my hands in her long hair and it was so long that it was up to her knees.

"Woah Star your hair has grown I don't think how that happened but I like how your hair is." I start playing in her hair.

"Thanks Robin so what thing you have to say to me that's all the important?" Star asks.

"Why are you doing this to me Star? Fighting Slade is the worst mistake you are making. If you fight him you might surely not make it out alive. I need you with me." I told her.

"Robin I love you and all but I'm not going to die I promise you I'll be fine." Starfire says holding my head making me face her.

"I want to fight for you Robin and I have no chose but to fight Slade and it will happen no matter what you say it will never change." Star says staring into my eyes.

"I love you Star your not gonna fight...without me or your team." I smiled.

"But Robin what if you and the boys you know...what if Slade kills you?" Star asks.

"We don't care about Slade. The fight between Good vs Evil will be decided tomorrow. But you shouldn't be in this battle I fear you will get hurt worst than last time." I told her.

"But there's something else your hiding from me. Robin I know when your hiding things from me and you know how much I don't like that." Starfire frowns.

"Okay okay I'll tell you. Okay ever since that kidnap at the hero awards I promised to keep you safe and all. I wanted to leave you out the battle but now since Slade threatens you we will take Slade down." I told her.

"Robin I..." Starfire trials off.

"Starfire it's time." Raven walks in.

"Raven um change of plans Robin will be with us." Starfire says.

"Not just Robin us too." Cyborg says with the other boys along side of him.

"You guys ya'll shouldn't be with me and Star. But if this is what you want then let's go." Raven says .

Then the S symbol sits on the floor  and Starfire and Raven were on it which caused a string of light on to their body and an explosion happens. Then there was clones of Raven and Starfire but evil clones.

"Ha you loser Robin never loved you he loves me." Evil Starfire says  smirking evily.

"No he does not." Starfire says taking down Evil Starfire.

"I'm with Starfire. Xavier your with me. Cyborg and Beast boy go with Raven. TITANS GO!!!" I told everyone else.

Me and Xavier went to follow up with Starfire as she battles her evil self.

Starfire then shoots her starbolts and covers her area with smoke and then Evil Starfire puts her in a arm lock.

"Face it Robin is not right for you and when your gone he's all mine. Stand down you'll never win." Evil Starfire tells Star.

To be continued.............

(Beast boy's POV)
Raven and Evil Raven have been going at it and it was anyone's game. I also cheered for Raven which to boost her strength up. She's been doing great in battle against her own evil self. Then her clone hits her with a lot of force and Raven hits the ground and has  black out.

To be continued...................

Hey everyone hope you enjoyed my story and I would love to wish robstar133 a happy birthday and yeah you guys are awesome love ya'll all please stay tuned for more updates.

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