♡Chapter 7. Robin♡

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(Starfire's POV)
Robin. NO! She's not getting in my head. Robin is mine. MY BOYFRIEND! Time to fight her ass. I lit up my eyeblast and got out her grasp and got behind her and drop her down to the ground. As we both collapsed we covered the ground with smoke and I heard Robin screams. I had to fight for Robin. Evil Starfire was finally gone and I got my negative side back. I then saw Robin in my emerald eyes. He picks me up in his arms and he looked worried about me. I hate when I make him worry."Star are you okay?" Robin asked. "I'm the fine Robin. Let's keep moving." I replied. "Star your pushing yourself to hard." Robin says. "I am. Oh I'm sorry I just got my anger out on my evil self. I'm fine now tho." I hugged Robin. Then he whispers something in my ear. "What ever your negative side says is not true okay?" Robin says. I nodded. "Robin, Star, Xavier thank goodness ya'll are okay." I heard Cyborg.

Then Raven, BB, and Cyborg arrived where we were. I'm glad to see that everyone is okay. "Glad you guys are all okay. Boys I don't want to lose you guys please think about this if you are coming or leaving." I replied carefully. "You think you are about to fight alone against Slade. I'm not letting you go this time I'm right behind you." Robin says. "I have to agree with Dick on this." Xavier says. "No way we are letting you two go into a fight like that." Cyborg says. "I'm in this battle no matter what happens I'm sticking with saving the world. I'm all in for this battle." BB says. "I'm guessing that they are all in this case Star. We can't change their minds anymore let's go then." Raven says. I got out of Robin's embrace and stand with Raven. "Boys me and Raven just want to say is please be careful okay?" I asked. They nodded. "I'm fighting for you Star just know that I love you." Robin says staring into my eyes.

"I'll always know that okay?" I replied. "Fighting for Raven." BB says. "And fighting for justice." Xavier and Cyborg says. "Alright team. TITANS let's go." Robin says and we finally found Slade in the abandoned warehouse by the Pier. "Slade it's over." Robin replies. "Robin. Knew you would never back down on this." Slade says. "You thought that we would let the girls go by themselves?" Xavier asks. "Not ever. Star and Raven have one thing in common. Power. Robin do you really want to protect her for your life?" Slade says. "You've got a point about them but as Star's boyfriend there's no way I'm letting her go. I'm going to keep protecting her. No one in this world deserves to be hurting my girlfriend." He says. "Robin." I shouted. "Star our relationship is not a secret anymore and it's time to fight our fears. Star I love you." He says. "I love you too Robin." I let a tear fall down my face.

Robin was standing right with me and his fingers entwined with mines. "I'm right here for you Star. You guys ready for this?!" Robin shouts. "Yes we are Robin." I replied. "TITANS GO!!!" Robin yells and we all ran straight into battle. Slade attacks were pretty painful. Robin tries hitting Slade from the back but his plan was unsuccessful. Slade attacks him and he punches him sending him to hit a wall. Robin was knocked out. "Robin!" I yelled. I flew down to help Robin. I got down on my knees and I started to shake him up. "Robin please wake up." No response. "Robin please get up." I replied. Robin still didn't respond. Then Slade jacks me up by my neck choking me. "ROBIN!!" I yelled for him. "Silence Princess." Slade shouts at me. He throws me across the room. I tried getting away before Slade gets over to me. Xavier and the rest were fighting until Cinderblock appeared and we are suffering. Me and Robin are battling together. But we are struggling. "You know Princess, Robin protects you but yet he'll do at nothing to stop me. Do you really think that you can stop me?" Slade says. I didn't respond. Slade then grabs me by my neck and starts choking me. "ROBIN!!!" I yelled loudly.

Please Robin get up. Slade punches me in my face and slings me to the ground. He gets out his gun and he puts his finger on the trigger.....POW!!! I opened my eyes and I saw Robin standing there in shining glory. Robin protected me by the bullets shot. Robin then throws his birdarang and the gun was hit out of his hand. "Stay down and no one gets hurt." Slade ordered us. "Robin would never back down and neither will I." I shouted back at him. "Star let's hit him with everything we got." Robin says staring into my eyes. I nodded and I got up and flew into the air. "Time to end this right now. Let's get him." Robin shouts. Robin runs with his staff in his hand and I'm right behind him. "Now Star go." Robin commands me. I shot my starbolts and covers the area with smoke and I picked up Robin and I slinged him up in the air to hit Slade in his face.

As the smoke cleared Slade didn't see it coming we attacked him sending him to the ground. I flew Robin down and then Slade appears out of nowhere and sends me into the wall out to the open. Slade attacks me again. He pulls out his gun and tries to shoot me but Robin hits him from the back and they both landed in the dark water below. "ROBIN!!!" I yelled. "We finished fighting what happened? Where's Robin?" Raven asks. "Robin is down there with Slade. I should go down there to look for Robin." I got up on my feet. "I'll come too." Xavier says. "Be careful you two." Raven says. I took my boots off and I plunged into the water. Xavier jumps in as I got in. It was so fricking dark down here. I lit up my starbolts in the water. I looked down below for Robin and I found him on the bottom of the ground. Xavier and I got down to him and Slade was gone. Xavier and me had swam him back to shore and finally made it on to the deck. "Robin." I replied. No response.

To be continued........

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