chapter 11

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"Our Queen is unable to lie to her chosen ladies or we would have known." Acindina said hotly.

"Her Siren power was recessive then. She passed it on to Twilight." Starlight explained.

"How did you come to know you had this power?" Locaia asked.

"After I met Drake, we ran into some trouble and it just happened. Drake was the one who recognized it." I said smiling at my husband.

"So what is your decision, Twilight?" Acindina asked suddenly.

"I will go but not until the baby is born. I have put him in enough danger." I saw the relief on both Roman and Drake's faces.

"Very well. We shall stay and assist you in any way we can until that time. There are things you must know before you return anyway." Acindina said.

"I'm starving and tired." I said letting the exasperation flow through my voice. Starlight vanished and returned with a tray full of food. I ignored the room full of people and ate like a pig at slop time. When I was done I yawned and sighed.

"I think we should all leave and let her rest." Roman said quietly.

"Drake you stay please." I said in a sleepy voice. Drake waited for the room to clear then undressed and climbed into the bed with me.

"Drake, I am so sorry." I whispered.

"Sorry for what?" he whispered.

"For bringing all this into your life."

"Twilight, I love you and no matter what happens I will never regret loving you. I will never be sorry I fell in love with you. We will face all things together. Now rest, my love."

I snuggled into his chest and fell into a deep sleep.

I was awakened to a terrible pain in my back.

"Drake!" I yelled in pain.

"I'm here. I'm calling Roman."

"What's happening?" I breathed deeply. I was afraid I would hyperventilate. Roman burst in the room.

"Twilight listen to me very carefully. The baby is coming. There is no time for me to give you anything for the pain." Roman said stroking my hair.

"Ok." I grunted between pains.

"Drake we need Starlight and hot towels." Drake rushed out. Acindina and Locaia entered.

"How can we help?" Roman growled deep in his throat.

"Try to help her stay calm and to breath evenly." The women moved to either side of me and took a hand. I immediately felt calmer. Her breathing slowed and the pain was less intense. Drake and Starlight returned. Roman touched my belly.

"When I say now, I need you to push down hard." I nodded.

"Okay. Now!" I pushed with all I had in me. "I see the head. Take a breath and push again. Now!" I bared down hard and screamed. Roman almost fell over.

"Keep her from doing that." He yelled at the women. I found myself suddenly gagged.

"One more time, dear. Now!" I bit the gag and gave it all my strength.

"Drake bring the towels. Starlight we need water and clean sheets for the bed and clothes for Twilight." Roman pulled the baby out the rest of the way and handed him to me. "Meet your son, my lady." He said smiling. I looked at the small thing in my arms and began to cry. I hugged him close. Roman came around to my head and leaned down close to my face.

"We need to check him and clean him up. You need to clean up and think of a name for the chap. We will bring him right back." Roman carefully lifted the child and wrapped him in a warm towel.

Acindina and Locaia helped me get up and change my clothes while Starlight changed the bed sheets. When I was changed and back into the bed Roman and Drake entered with Drake holding our son. Drake walked over to me and handed the baby to me.

"So have you decided on a name?" Roman asked.

"Yes as long as Drake approves. Acheron." I said smiling.

"It's perfect, my love." He said kissing my forehead. Roman turned to leave and I called him back.

"I have something else I would like to ask of you Roman."

"Anything for my queen." He said bowing gracefully.

"I would like you to be Acheron's Godfather." I said smiling up at Drake who smiled his approval.

Roman almost fell over which caused Drake to laugh out loud and scare Acheron.

"I would be honored, my lady." Roman said after collecting himself. "Now, ladies let us take our leave. This family needs to be alone to get to know each other." The room cleared out. Drake looked down at us. We were his family. His miracle and saving grace. I looked up into my husband's face.

"What, my love?" I asked.

"I can't believe...I'm the luckiest man alive...well you know..." Drake said laughing.

"I do know and I feel the same way." In the same breath he was happy in, Drake let a cloud of guilt and anger wash over his face. He turned his back to us.

"Drake, love, what is wrong?" I asked confused.

"Nothing. I have some things I need to take care of. I won't be long." Drake rushed out of the room. He weaved his way down the hall and into the basement. He used his secret key and opened the room he had sworn to keep sealed forever, but fate and destiny had other plans. He shut the door behind him.

"I know you are here. I can feel you." He growled.

"We have been waiting for you. Where is the child?"

"You cannot have him. You never told me she was my mate and I fell in love. You will not destroy my family."

"You cannot go back on our deal, Drake. We have waited patiently for two hundred years. You will bring us the child or we will destroy your whole race and take him by force. What say you?"

"I say give me two more weeks. I deserve that much."

"Agreed." Drake exhaled the breath he had been holding.

"What am I going to do? I cannot give my son to those monsters. I must find a way out of this." Drake paced and paced around the room. He had not realized how long he had been gone until there was a knock at the door.

"Who dares disturb me here?" Drake yelled.

"It's Roman. Your wife sent me to look for you. May I come in?" He yelled through the door.

"Yes." Roman entered the forsaken room and shivered.

"I swore I would never come in here. You have made the deal, I assume?" He asked quietly.

"Of course I did. Two hundred years ago I promised those monsters my first born if they would help me save our race." Drake said with the words tasting like acid in his mouth.

"You did what? Are you insane?" Roman yelled.

"I never thought I would have a child, much less fall in love. With my mate I might add. Roman, what am I going to do?" Drake fell to his knees and put his face in his hands.

"How much time did they give you?"

"Two weeks."

"I see. Let me think on this tonight. You must go to your wife and son. My advice is pretend nothing is amiss. She is not strong enough to handle this yet."

Drake simply nodded and rose to his feet. They left the room and went their separate ways. Roman to his library and Drake back to his chambers where his wife and new born son were waiting for him.

He quietly entered the room and glided over to the bed. He watched us sleeping. There had to be a way out of this. Roman would come up with something. He prayed.

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