chapter 9

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"Have you noticed, we are the only ones covering windows?" Cayden complained with a groan.

"Of course. It's our punishment for running off. Just finish so we can go eat." Marc said grumpily. The boys finished their job and dragged themselves into the kitchen. They washed up in silence and waited for the food.

"So, what's the plan boys?" Rylan asked smiling as he sat down at the table.

"What do you mean? We don't have one. We assumed you guys had one." Acheron said with a shocked look on his face.

"Oh no. This is all you boys. You were big enough to come all this way, you're big enough to plan this battle out." Drake said hiding his smile.

"Oh." Cayden whispered. The boys finished their meal in silence. When they were done, they excused themselves and went upstairs to their empty room.

"Are they serious? They really aren't going to help us?" Cayden asked with the fear clear in his voice and in his eyes.

"I don't know. They are right. We need to have a plan. We know what the beast wants. We need to find a weakness." Acheron said.

"Maybe Uncle Roman brought some books or has an idea." Marc said suddenly.

"If we act like we have a plan he might help us. Can't hurt to try. Let's go." Acheron said with a weak smile. They got up and went single file down the stairs to search for Roman. He was alone in the formal dining room.

"Hello boys. What can I do for you?" Roman asked smiling.

"We wondered if you brought any of your books on the beast." Acheron answered.

"A few." Roman dug around in his coat and pulled out a tiny trunk. "Step back boys." He smiled. The trunk exploded. When the smoke cleared the room was filled with shelves of books. Marc laughed.

"A few huh? Ok boys let's get started. We have work to do." Marc said in an authoritative voice, sounding very much like his father it made Roman smile. They split up and began reading. Roman watched with curiosity until he couldn't stand it any longer.

"If I knew what you boys were looking for I could tell you which books to read." Roman said with frustration. The boys never looked up from their books. Roman huffed and stalked out of the room. The adults were still in the kitchen.

"What are they up to now?' Shadow asked with a smile.

"They have raided my books and pushed me out." Roman answered in a huff, pushing his hands through his hair in frustration.

"I see. I thought we all agreed to let them try to do this alone? We wait until they ask us for help." John said trying very hard to hide his laughter.

"I know. I know." Roman said waving his hands dismissively. He made coffee and sat with the others.

The boys read and read until they couldn't see the pages anymore.

"Ugh! I need a break. My eyes are crossing." Cayden said rubbing his face with both hands.

"Ok. Let's call it a night. We'll go up to the room and discuss what we've found. Then we'll start with the plan." Marc said as he stood to stretch his stiff muscles. The other two got up and stretched with groans. They reshelved their books and covered yawns. They went into the kitchen, kissed their mothers without a word, and went upstairs.

"I guess they are done for the night. Now, what is the plan?" Shadow asked as she looked around the table.

"There is no plan. We have to trust them. When they come to us with their plan, we can help them improve it, but until then we simply wait." John said quietly.

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