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        A woman ran blindly through the twisting  trees of the forest in the dark of night. She looked back to see tiny lights in the distance. They got closer, and closer.She was able to see when they got closer that the lights were torches being held by men, who were on horse back. She dared not stop. For a women who was four months pregnant, she was pretty fast; but not fast enough to out run eight men on horse back. She had to stop, and hide some where. She quickly stopped, and looked around to find a good hiding spot. Suddenly, she spotted a burrow under a log, which looked like the perfect size for her. She quickly crawled in,and tried to make herself comfortable.

Less than a minute later , she heard galloping of the horses coming nearer, and nearer, and then... THUD!!! Horses flew over the log , and landed, loudly on the ground.She almost screamed.

 Their hooves landed so hard, and so close that she felt like she was going to be trammeled on. Once the thumps had stopped, she slightly peeked her head out to see why they had ceased. She counted the solders on their horses.

Seven? Weren't there eight? She thought to herself confused. Less then a second, she heard wings flapping up and down over the log. She looked up and saw a man in black armor, sitting on a black horse with big, black, wings.

"Where did she go?!"Exclaimed the man, who she assumed was the leader.

"We don't know." One of the men answered back. 

"We were on her tail a minute ago, and now she is gone. As if she disappeared." 

"How hard is it to find a pregnant woman with a one year old child?!?!" The commander yelled.

Suddenly she remembered her child. She had left her with her brother, and sister in law, because it would be to hard to escape with a baby girl, who could barely even walk. It was hard enough just running by herself, with a Baby growing inside of her.

How could I be so foolish, leaving my child , and my brother in this horrible place while I am heading some where safe from danger? She thought, miserably to herself. I must turn back for her.

 But if I turn back for them now, they will probably find me ,and kill me off, along with them.

Knowing that it would be probably safer if she didn't go back for them, she decided to keep on going.

"You men go that way!" yelled the commander to three solders, pointing west.

"And you go this way!"He exclaimed to two men, pointing East.

And he said to all the other solders to go in all directions possible. Quickly, all of the men galloped as fast as they could in all directions, farther, and farther away til they were so far she couldn't see them anymore.  All was dark and quiet. Once the coast was clear she slowly climbed out of the hole, Her dress was a mess, but she didn't care. She quickly sprang to her feet, and continued running through the forest, Not knowing if she would ever find her way back.

The Urisious Chronicles: The Throne of Silva TerraWhere stories live. Discover now