Chapter one

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Maria looked out the window for at leased the hundredth time, then went back to pacing back and forth. She hadn't felt this anxious in many years.

Earlier that day, Mother has summoned her to call Dr. McTrail to come right away, Without further delay.

Maria didn't know what was wrong with mama .For many months now she has had a horrid cough, and she also had grown weak, and weary. Where ever mama went, she always had at least one, or two handkerchiefs with her, and when ever she had to cough in front of company , or even in front of Maria , she would always leave the room,  For what reason, She did not know.

Once again, she looked through the window, and was quite relieved to see The doctor's auto mobile pull up to their house. As the vehicle came to a halt , A man with a leather coat, and a light brown hat stepped out into the poring rain with a little, plaid bag in one hand, and an umbrella in the other.       As the man walk towards the front door, Maria quickly sprung to her feet, ran up, and swung the door open.

"Good after noon Doctor ." She said just a split second after she opened the door.

"Please, come in."

Out of the pouring rain, Dr. McTrail Hastily walked inside, and closed the door behind him.

"I came just as I heard the call." He said, as he hung his coat on the coat rack near him.

"What appears to be wrong?" He asked.

" I'm not Exactly sure." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"For at least six, or seven months now, she has had a terrible cough, and has been extremely tired, and weak ."

"May I go see her?" He asked

Maria nodded pointing towards a dark wooden door only two yards away.

As they both reached the door, the doctor suggested that Maria should stay out in the living room until he was done. Maria silently nodded and sat down in the living room.

As she sat on the couch, she was able to hear rough coughing and the soft mumbling of the doctor's voice.

Maria was growing tired and anxious. She wanted to know what was going on in there.

She tried to think of other things to take Mama off her mind but then realized that her efforts were pointless. She impatiently swung her legs from one side of her to the other. She could not stay still and relaxed no matter how hard she tried.


After at least fifteen minutes, When she was just about to lose her patients, The doorknob turned and the door slowly opened, and out stepped the doctor.

"How is she, doctor?"  She asked, springing from the sofa to the ground.

He said nothing, as he shut the door behind him, and stared at the floor. 

Maria could tell that something was wrong.

" Is she okay?" She asked again 

"Huh?" He suddenly said, as if he just left some type of trance.

"Is she going to be okay?" She asked for the last time

" Oh... um ..... She .. she would like to speak with you."

 Maria suddenly glanced towards the door, Feeling a bit uneasy, and confused.

She started to walked slowly to her room. Once she reached the door handle, she slightly turned it, and pushed the door open. Once the door was all the way open she stared at the sick , but Beautiful face of her mother. Her face was almost as white as snow.She felt like she was staring face to face with a ghost.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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