Chapter 6

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The noise became much more prominent as the insect behind it emerged from its perch in a bush. It was nothing the likes of the two children had ever seen before. The insect had four long spindly legs and a head like a praying mantis. The thing, whatever it was, was about the size of a kitten. Although there was nothing cute and fluffy about it.

Both siblings stared in shock for a moment. When the insect sprang at her, Courtney was forced into action. Grabbing the strap of her backpack, Courtney pulled it off of her back and swung it at the insect, hitting it just as its horrible looking pincers were about to descend on her. Rudy sprang forward, trying to grasp the insect.

"Rudy, no!" Courtney screamed, but it was too late. The insect attached itself to Rudy's face. The little boy let out a shriek as he collapsed to the ground. Pulling out her knife, Courtney slashed the head of the creature. The remains of it fell to the ground. Courtney picked them up and flung them away. Kneeling beside her brother, she could see that he was breathing hard, his eyes wide. A large purple lump stood out against the bangs on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" Rudy asked.

"I'm fine," Courtney said, smoothing back his hair and examining the lump where the insect bit him. "Can you get up?"

The boy nodded and, with Courtney's help, got to his feet and blinked. "You alright?" Courtney asked anxiously. Rudy grunted.

"It felt like a hundred needles were poking into me, but I feel fine now. "

Courtney bit her lip and pulled out her pocket-knife, cleaning it with a leaf. Courtney, ignoring her little brother's protests, began to cut off a small section of the hem of Rudy's shirt. Tying the strip of cotton around his head, she secured it at the back, so that it covered his wound. It was a crude and poor substitute for a bandage and disinfectant, but it would have to do.

"I didn't want to have to look at it," said Courtney.

"Oh so you do care about me," Rudy teased, elbowing her lightly in the ribs. "That's sweet. I guess you'll want to hold my hand when we cross the street back home now."

The way Rudy was talking, Courtney could tell he was back to his normal self. "Don't push it," She grumbled. The two continued their walk through the trees, nibbling on fruit and keeping an eye out for anything that looked suspicious.

The jungle was unbearably humid. Courtney felt like her clothes were sticking to her, and immense roots often blocked Courtney and Rudy's way. They had to take several detours as they made their way through.

Vines also choked the ground, tripping Courtney and Rudy several times as they ran into them. Courtney kept her pocket-knife close, ready to attack one of the enormous insects if they went for her and Rudy.

They ran into some strange-looking plants, steering clear of them, but didn't see any more of the strange insects. By the time the sky was streaked with shades of pink and orange, Rudy's condition had deteriorated. He was tired. He was hungry and thirsty. He wanted to go home.  At this point Courtney could see that no matter what, they'd have to be in the jungle during the night.

She found them a small tree and with her hands, dug a burrow at the base of its trunk. "I'll keep watch," she told her brother, directing him into the hole. "In case something happens while we're sleeping. God knows if those insect things act after dusk. I'll wake you up when it's your turn."

Rudy, at this point too tired to comment, crawled into the burrow and fell asleep. Courtney spent most of the night on guard, with her knife at her feet, trying not to doze off. Eventually she gave the watch to Rudy, but only for a couple of hours. Courtney didn't want him falling asleep and leaving them both vulnerable.  Rudy shook her awake at dawn. Courtney's head spun and she felt weak as she tried making her way out of the burrow.  She knew the effects of dehydration, having studied them many times. Rudy, on the other hand, was groggy and irritable when he woke up.

The Imagination MachineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz