Chapter 9

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"Hide! Quickly!" Courtney hissed, trampling undergrowth beneath her feet as she stumbled into a bush, pulling Rudy inside with her. One of the twins stopped.

"Did you hear something?"

The other twin shook his head. "Maybe, but there are many things out here. Let's just keep going."

The first twin looked uneasy. "Do you know how much trouble we'll be in if they catch us in here?"

The second twin was already making his way through the forest. "If we get hold of a Longleg, it will be worth it."

As they walked off, Rudy shot Courtney a stare. "What the heck's a Longleg?"

"What makes you think I know?"

The two children fell silent for what felt like an hour to Courtney, trying not to give away their location in the bush. "When do you think they'll come back?" Rudy whispered.

Courtney shrugged.

"Can we come out?"

She shook her head and bit her bottom lip.

After a few more minutes of silence, Rudy suddenly fell to his knees, clutching his abdomen. "Ow," he groaned.

"Rudy, what's wrong?" Courtney quickly knelt beside her brother. Forgetting the need to be silent, she let her voice take on an alarmed tone.

"My stomach."  

Courtney grabbed one of her brother's arms and tried to pull him to his feet to no avail. One of Rudy's arms remained tightly curled around his stomach. Before Courtney knew what had happened, Rudy's head had slumped, his legs had gone weak. There was the sound of footsteps and the two twins came crashing through the woods. One of them holding something that was struggling in his hand.

Courtney gripped the handle of her pocket-knife tightly one of the twins shoved aside several leaves and peered into the bush where the children lay. He stared at Courtney and Rudy. "Who are you?" he exclaimed.

Courtney instinctively rose to her feet, holding the pocket-knife tightly. "I can explain," she said.

"Hey!" yelled the other boy, seeing the knife in Courtney's hand, he lifted a small object. It was the  weapon made of wood Courtney had seen earlier. The last thing Courtney saw before the weapon made contact with her head was the squirming animal in the hand of the other twin.

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